Guerrilla Şoreş Zewkî, who did not take a step back in his struggle against invaders and betrayers

Kurdistan is such a country that every corner of its land is watered with the blood of thousands of Egîds. Those heroes add beauty to the beauty of Kurdistan. They spread the hope of freedom, and those who taste freedom become part of this truth no matter what. They grow and develop in this land and are rooted in Kurdistan. Sometimes on Mount Ararat, sometimes in the mountains of Amed, sometimes in the mountains of Botan, the seeds of the resistance of Egîds are sown. Each of them has valuable experiences, each of them wages a relentless and arduous struggle. One of the heroic Apoists taking part in this struggle is the martyr Şoreş Zewkî (Ercan Erkol).

Rêber Apo (Leader Abdullah Öcalan) paved the way for many Kurdish youths by saying ‘I never betrayed my childhood dream’. He ensured that these young people followed the path of truth and became useful people for their people. When one thinks of knowledgeable, useful or intelligent people, one thinks of fearless, brave heroes who have endeavored and paid the price for the cause of their people. Since Kurdish youth grow up under oppression and persecution, they are always in search of freedom, looking for a way out of the system. And the first way they think of is the PKK movement. Comrade Şoreş Zewkî was born in Van into a patriotic family belonging to the Zêwkî branch of the Ertûşîs, one of the ancient and deep-rooted tribes of Kurdistan. He got to know Rêber Apo and the PKK at an early age. Like every Kurdish youth, he dreamed of his future and chose the path of truth. After his elder sister Mercan Erkol (Beritan) joined the guerrilla ranks in 2007, Şoreş Zewkî joined the work more actively and devoted himself completely to the Kurdish people’s struggle for freedom. Having dreamed of becoming a guerrilla as a child, he adhered to his dreams and joined the guerrilla ranks in 2013, giving the most meaningful answer to the oppression and massacres of the genocidal Turkish state.

Comrade Şoreş Zewkî described the environment he grew up in, his childhood, youth and his participation in the guerrilla struggle with the following words: “I grew up in a family known for its patriotism. In the past, our people migrated to the cities due to the policies of the Turkish state. For this reason, the culture of patriotism was experienced at the highest level. Growing up in such an environment strengthened the foundations of my Kurdish identity. I was constantly on a quest. I no longer wanted to study at the system’s school because I had seen the reality of fascism. The people’s devotion to the PKK and Rêber Apo led me to recognise the movement at an early age. The influence of Leader Apo’s ideas and the guerrillas in the region enabled us to get to know the movement. The influence of the movement enabled me to choose the path of truth. For this reason, like every Kurdish child, it was my greatest dream and desire to become a guerrilla fighter. I always said that I would become a guerrilla one day. Even though the system wanted to drag us into pollution, I did not give up on this dream. The only thing that prevented me from falling into the corrupt life of the system was this dream. In 2013, the Leader started a new process and we joined the PKK after that process.”

Şoreş Zewkî finally reached his goal, his heart was filled with the love of his people and his Leader. He stepped into guerrilla life with his weapon and heavy burden on his shoulder. Comrade Şoreş started guerrilla activity in the Botan region. He received basic guerrilla and vital training from his experienced comrades in the field for a short time. Comrade Soreş, from the very first moment he started the struggle, made the Apoist philosophy’s understanding that does not discriminate between work and duty the basic principle of his life. Very impressed by the stance of the commander and guerrilla comrades in the Kato area, he spent his first years of guerrilla life together with commander Rizgar Gever. He felt very lucky at that time. Living with such a labouring comrade was a great opportunity for him. After a year of practice and work, he moved to the Medya Defence Zones for comprehensive training.

One of Rêber Apo’s most important activities within the PKK is the training of new fighters and cadres. Comrade Şoreş, although eager to take part in practice, approached such sacred tasks within the framework of responsibility and worked with all his strength. He trained many new comrades. Just as he was impressed by the approach of his comrades when he first joined, he wanted to have such an effect on new fighters. He was both learning and teaching. In the new fighters who joined the struggle, he saw the future of the Kurdish people, the fate of the Kurdish people. He realised once again that there was nothing but the truth of Rêber Apo. Therefore, those who realised this truth were turning towards Rêber Apo’s philosophy. The resilient son of Botan once again moved to Bakûr with great excitement and enthusiasm. After a short stay in the Kato region, comrade Şoreş was seriously wounded in an attack by the Turkish state.

After undergoing treatment for a while, the guerrilla Şoreş soon recovered and rejoined practical work. This time he set off for Gilîdax, the place of Sîdar Milazgir. Guerrilla Şoreş called this journey, which he started in an ambitious and determined manner, a revenge march and explained his purpose of going to Bakûr with the following words: “I want to follow in the footsteps of my martyred comrades. I want to claim the heritage they created with great labour and costs. I must realise their dreams and carry their flag high. This is our debt to them. It is the most sacred and meaningful duty for me to protect the labour of the martyrs. For this reason, the place of struggle is not important for us, we go wherever we can benefit our movement. This is how our struggle becomes more meaningful.”

Proving his loyalty to Rêber Apo and the martyrs with his stance, resistance and comradeship, the guerrilla Şoreş Zewkî did not take a step back in his struggle against the invaders and collaborating traitors as a militant of Rêber Apo. He would protect his country under all circumstances, no matter what the cost. In the reality of Kurdistan, the role of collaborators-traitors has always been great, and in the reality of the PKK, the practices of these traitors have never gone unrequited. They were held to account and punished. Comrade Şoreş Zewkî, who set an example to all his comrades with his stance, modest comradeship and labourer personality, fell a martyr on 11 November 2023 at the hands of a counter-guerrilla. Of course, his comrades will avenge him because the PKK is a revenge movement.


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