Raqqa People’s Municipality continues to implement service projects

The Raqqa People’s Municipality has started many service projects within the scope of its 2024 planning. One of these projects is the asphalting of roads and the repair of sewers. These are the largest projects carried out since the city of Raqqa was liberated from ISIS mercenaries in 2017.

Improving services was given great importance in this year’s budget by the Raqqa Canton.

Raqqa People’s Municipality Director of the Technical Department, Xelîl El Ebo, told ANHA that the Raqqa Canton Municipalities Union allocated 31 thousand square meters of asphalt for the asphalting of 53 main streets and off-streets. 41 of these streets have been completed, and work on other streets is ongoing.

The roads that have been asphalted in the city are: Old streets, Hesun Neighborhood, Sêfedewle and Mensûr Streets, Nur Street, Rehman Street in Rimêle Neighborhood, Berazi-Seken Shababî Junction, Raqa Sur road, roads on Turuq Street and dozens of secondary streets.

In addition, the Municipality has allocated 2,500 square meters of asphalt to repair potholes on damaged roads.

El Ebo said that the Municipality is continuing its preparations to asphalt the Şihade and Kornêş El Meşleb roads connecting the east of the city to the Hesin market and the Regions market. The Union of Municipalities has allocated 6,000 square meters of asphalt for this road.

Work on sewage system

In addition, the municipality has started work on 11 sewage repair projects. Damaged sewage pipes were replaced with new ones. The length of the sewage lines in dozens of neighborhoods in the city that have been or are going to be repaired is 18 kilometers. These include the Mensûra neighborhood, the Şehitler Mosque area, the Sekene neighborhood, the Ekrad neighborhood, the neighborhoods north of the Hesin road, the Ferdos neighborhood, the Dirîye neighborhood and the Bedo neighborhood. So far, 90 percent of the sewage projects have been completed.

El Ebo said: “The sewage projects will be completed in 10 days. The asphalting projects will continue until mid-November 2024.”

The Union of Municipalities of Northern and Eastern Syria paved the roads connecting Raqqa city to rural areas, such as the Raqqa-Kerama road (9 kilometers), the Raqqa-Hezîme road and the Raqqa-Tabqa road.