32nd International Kurdish Cultural Festival to take place today in Frankfurt

The 32nd Kurdish Culture Festival will be held in Frankfurt today, 21 September.

The festival’s program will offer both dance and music performances by TEV-ÇAND artists.

At the festival, exhibitions drawing attention to Kurdish history and architectural richness will be shown. Visitors will have the opportunity to see miniature models of important and unique historical architectural buildings of Kurdistan, such as the Malalabadi Bridge, the Diyarbakır Walls, and the İshak Pasha Palace. This exhibition will present the deep-rooted history and texture of the Kurdish cultural heritage to Kurdistanis who yearn for their country, while also introducing the uniqueness of this architecture to visitors from other nationalities.

As a strong message against the assimilation policies towards the Kurdish language and culture, the festival will also feature dengbêj recitals. The event, which will be attended by approximately 20 dengbêj. 

Dozens of buses will reach Frankfurt from different cities in Europe.