Kalkan: The most meaningful resistance for freedom and democracy in history takes place in Imrali

In a new in-depth interview, Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council,  talked about the approaching of the first anniversary of the international campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, political solution to the Kurdish question”.

We are now in September 2024, and after all this time, the total isolation of Kurdish peoples leader Abdullah Öcalan is still continuing. But the resistance against this system also continues. Not only by Ocalan himself, but also the global campaign for his physical freedom and the democratic solution to the Kurdish question regularly makes the headlines. How do you assess the developments in this regard?

I would like to salute the historic Imrali resistance of Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] with respect. The isolation, torture, and genocidal system there have now been imposed for 25 years, 6 months, and 16 days, and it still continues. The conspirators, the creators of this Imrali system, continue their aim of suffocating the struggle for freedom through it and with the most brutal attack methods.

At the same time, there is undoubtedly a great resistance against this. The global freedom campaign, which was launched on October 10, 2023, aiming for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo, is about to enter its 11th month and is heading towards completing its first year. Also, a new anniversary of the October 9 conspiracy is upcoming.

In this context, mass protests by young people, women, generally our people, and our international friends continue in the four parts of Kurdistan, abroad, and all over the world. New forms of action are also being tried to be found. There is a great effort and a great struggle, through which the campaign has reached an important level after the last 11 months. The campaign has exposed both the Imrali system of torture, isolation, and genocide and the unlawful practices in Imrali, and, at the same time, spread the word of Rêber Apo. Rêber Apo’s prison writings and the paradigm of democratic civilization were made better known worldwide as part of the campaign. Women, youth, workers, laborers, oppressed peoples, all oppressed groups are looking for solutions within Rêber Apo’s paradigm to get rid of the current system of capitalist modernity and its nation-state oppression and exploitation. They are more interested in and support this paradigm. They want to find ways and methods of liberation. Thus, the freedom and democracy movement is gradually developing on a basis that transcends the system of capitalist modernity and is an alternative to it all over the world, as well as in our region and in the Middle East.

What is important in this context is that more and more people who represent the soul, heart, and brain of their respective societies are increasingly concerned with the paradigm. They not only oppose the unlawfulness of the Imrali system, but they also show great interest in the new paths opened by Rêber Apo in the line of freedom and democracy. Through them, they renew their own thought systems and restructure their own struggle for freedom. They see here a new hope for liberation, for freedom and democracy. That is why so many of them participate in the campaign. As much as this struggle is developing in the Kurdish community in Kurdistan, it is also developing in the peoples, oppressed, women, youth, socialist, revolutionary, and democratic forces all over the world. They hold countless meetings and conferences on this basis. Just to give an example, lately dozens of people who have received the Nobel Prize made a call together in solidarity with the global campaign. Or also now, there was a conference in Berlin called the ‘Peace and Democracy Conference’.

Important issues were discussed there according to the press. They also called for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo. Most of all, they emphasized the decisive role of Rêber Apo in the solution to the Kurdish question, and therefore, in the peace of Turkey, the Middle East, and even the world. They demanded a dialog with Rêber Apo for peace and for his immediate physical freedom. These are important, of course. We have repeatedly stated that if there is to be a peaceful, political, and democratic solution to the Kurdish question, the only person who can realize it is Rêber Apo. Kurdish society, particularly women and young people, are constantly expressing this reality by taking to the streets. This reveals a pressing reality.

This must be pointed out again and again, because there are people who try to counteract this, who speculate and try to take advantage of the crisis for themselves. There are those who are dragging Turkey into dangerous abysses. The torture, isolation, and genocidal system in Imrali, the pressure and psychological torture exerted on Rêber Apo, and the fact that this has spread to Kurdistan, to the whole of Turkey, and has even affected the region and the world, all point to disaster. In this respect, it is important that all relevant circles once again make themselves aware that the representative of the negotiated solution is Rêber Apo. The only one who can realize a peaceful, democratic, and political solution is Rêber Apo. No one else can realize it.

Like I pointed out, there is a global mobilization for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo, and the center of this resistance is, of course, Imrali. The biggest and most meaningful resistance to freedom and democracy in history is currently taking place in Imrali, under the leadership of Rêber Apo. It has been like this for 25 years, 6 months, and 16 days.

I would like to take this opportunity to underline once more that our global freedom campaign is heading towards its first anniversary. It is needed to develop it even further. It needs to be further spread and enriched with a new variety of methods. On the first anniversary, the campaign should reach a new peak. This is something that can only be achieved through struggle, and the one that believes in his/her struggle will be successful. I am strongly convinced by this fact.

We are fighting as a people, as a movement. We are resisting the fascist, colonialist, and genocidal system and its attacks. This resistance is led by Rêber Apo. And through this, in the end, it will be the Kurdish people that will be successful. If this were not the case, would Rêber Apo ever lead such a resistance? As a leader that evaluates, scrutinizes, and analyzes everything, finds ways and methods, and makes decisions on this basis, if he has decided on resistance, if he resists such attacks with such determination for freedom, for a democratic solution, we must know and understand that undoubtedly there will be victory at the end of this. There is liberation, freedom, and democracy at the end of this. There is a free and democratic solution to the Kurdish question. And this is what we mean when we speak about success and victory. As long as we carry out this struggle effectively and with the right, rich methods and increase the resistance, we will be successful.

One needs to be convinced by this and have trust based on this. In this respect, all our people, especially the youth and women, as well as our international friends that are spread all over the world, should be aware of the historical meaning of this resistance. A great and historical victory is upon us. Therefore, without the slightest hesitation, without resorting to weakness, we proceed with our resistance and develop it even further and stronger. Let us grow and spread the resistance. Like this, we will definitely be successful.

Let’s speak about the resistance of the Kurdish guerrillas. What can you tell us about current developments in this regard?

It is the guerrilla that understands the resistance of Imrali the best, and it is also the guerrilla who is most effective by acting in the same spirit. One needs to be aware of this reality that has been going on like this for forty years. All the developments in the struggle for existence, in the name of freedom, democracy, and humanity, all the developments that have been experienced and created have been possible thanks to this guerrilla resistance. The guerrillas became the honor and dignity of the Kurdish people. It gave the Kurds consciousness and courage; it enabled them to organize and to struggle sacrificially. It educated and organized the Kurdish society and made it resist and sacrificially struggle for freedom. The guerrillas resurrected Kurdish society, re-created it, and now it is heroically struggling in one line with the Imrali resistance for its liberation.

Currently, there are guerrilla actions all over northern Kurdistan. It was on the news a while ago; there were intense clashes on Mount Bagok. The fascist Turkish army, which has declared a forbidden zone for weeks, does not allow anyone to enter.

Also, just recently, there were intense clashes in Amed (tr. Diyarbakir), Serhat, Botan, in the Zagros region, and constantly all the way to Gever (tr. Yuksekova). The guerrilla resistance continues heroically. It represents the sacrificial spirit, consciousness, and will that were created by Rêber Apo. And it stands for victory. When someone wants to deal with the situation, they must first become aware of this reality. I would also like to take this opportunity to salute our heroic guerrillas who are waging this resistance and commemorate with respect, love, and gratitude all our heroic martyrs who resisted, fought, and fell martyrs lately in northern Kurdistan by commemorating comrade Berwar Dersim.

When it comes to guerrilla resistance, the Medya Defense Areas stand out today. The areas of Zap and Metina are now the focal points of this resistance. But there are also guerrilla activities in Heftanin and, for example, Xakurke. The entire Medya Defense Zones are witnessing the most intense and meaningful guerrilla resistance in history. A new form of guerrilla is being experienced there. Our central headquarters commanders make statements on these issues from time to time. They speak about the ‘Guerrilla of the Democratic Modernity’. It is being fought with a new style. Indeed, they are conducting the most meaningful and important resistance for freedom and democracy in history against the enemy, which is the second-largest army of NATO, which receives all the support it wants from NATO and other states, which uses all kinds of collaboration and betrayal at the most advanced level. No other force could maintain such a resistance. We have always pointed out this reality. No army can resist like the guerrillas in the Medya Defense Areas. No one could withstand these conditions of resistance for a day, or even an hour. The AKP-MHP fascist dictatorship had pinned its hopes on this. Saying that no one could endure or resist under such circumstances. They have determined a certain area for eight years, but they are being dragged from deadlock to deadlock. All these areas have become a quagmire for them. They are not able to occupy or annex them, even though they use all kinds of chemical weapons and tactical nuclear weapons. They tried to include everyone they could in this dirty war. But the guerrillas are writing history.

Once again, I salute this resistance once again. I wish continued success to the command and fighting force of the HPG and YJA Star. I congratulate them on their success. Every day, news of their actions hit the press. This makes the Kurdish people and humanity proud. It is a morale boost.