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HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Çekdar Xelîla, Botan Sêgirkê and Özgür Tolhildan
Guerrillas Çekdar Xelîla, Botan Sêgirkê and Özgür Tolhildan were killed on 27 August 2021 in an attack by the Turkish state in the Metîna region in South Kurdistan. The People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement that the deadly attack was carried out during the resistance at Girê Hekarî in the course of the occupation operation on the border hills on the Qaşûra Line that began in spring 2021.
“We commemorate our comrades Çekdar, Botan and Özgür, who selflessly dedicated themselves to the freedom struggle of our people, on the anniversary of their death with respect, love and gratitude and promise to lead their struggle to victory,” the HPG declared.
The following information was given about the identity of the martyrs:
Code name: Çekdar Xelîla
First and last name: Ömer Salgür
Place of birth: Wan
Names of mother and father: Xezal – Hüseyin
Date and place of death: August 27, 2021 / Metîna
Code name: Botan Sêgirkê
First and last name: Sadık Güvercin
Place of birth: Şirnex
Names of mother and father: Mercan – Emin
Date and place of death: August 27, 2021 / Metîna
Code name: Özgür Tolhildan
First and last name: Ahmed Muhammed
Place of birth: Nisêbîn
Names of mother and father: Hezina – Abdurrahim
Date and place of death: August 27, 2021 / Metîna
Çekdar Xelîla
Çekdar Xelîla was born in the northern Kurdish province of Van (Wan). He belonged to the Xelîlan tribe, which is known for its deep connection to the liberation struggle of the Kurdish people, and grew up in a family environment shaped by this reality.
He was already familiar with the PKK as a child, as many of his relatives had joined it in response to state oppression in Kurdistan.
As a teenager, Çekdar Xelîla therefore became involved with the Revolutionary Youth. “As a responsible young person who witnessed the genocidally motivated crimes of the state against the Kurds, Hevalê Çekdar already considered it his duty to act for his people,” said the HPG. This period also saw an intensive engagement with the ideology and paradigm of the Kurdish movement. He decided to take a further step and become a militiaman for the guerrillas. In 2014, he went to the mountains and became a member of the HPG.
After his military training, Çekdar Xelîla moved to the Medya Defense Zones, where he was deployed in various regions and areas of combat. He has been in Metîna since the beginning of the Turkish invasion, which extended to the strategic summit areas three and a half years ago. Here he played a key role in organizing and strengthening the guerrilla resistance in Zendûra.
Botan Sêgirkê
Botan Sêgirkê was born in Şırnak (Şirnex) as a member of the Goyî tribe. His youth was marked by contradictions, which arose, among other things, from the fact that some relatives had bowed to the pressure of the Turkish state and joined the village guard system in North Kurdistan, while others voluntarily integrated into this system as collaborators. He saw this as a “dagger in the heart of the Kurdish people” and was in a constant struggle against family members who turned the state’s weapons against the guerrillas.
He responded to this reality by going to the mountains in 2013. He first spent time with the guerrillas in Botan and other regions of North Kurdistan, later moving on to the Medya Defense Areas.
The HPG stated that Botan Sêgirkê was deployed in almost all resistance areas here. In particular, they acknowledged his efforts in preparing actions, expanding the tunnel systems in southern Kurdistan and his front-line deployment.
Botan Sêgirkê was almost always in the front line of the resistance fronts, according to the HPG.
Özgür Tolhildan
Özgür Tolhildan was born in Nusaybin (Nisêbîn) near Mardin (Mêrdîn) and grew up in Girkê Legê in Rojava. His parents had ended up there after fleeing the persecution and oppression of the Turkish state.
He grew up in an environment shaped by Kurdish culture and the realities of Kurdistan. He initially wanted to channel his anger against the Turkish state, which was responsible for his family being ripped from their homeland, into the defense of the Rojava revolution.
Because he was too young at the time, he could not join the YPG. Instead, he became involved in the civil structures of the revolution. Shortly after Turkey’s war of aggression in autumn 2019, which led to the occupation of the cities of Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and Girê Spî (Tall Abyad), he joined the guerrillas.
He has been in Metîna almost since his arrival in the mountains. “Hevalê Özgür wanted to fight on the fronts where the war was most intense, of his own free will,” the HPG said, expressing their condolences to the families of the guerrillas fallen in Metîna and the people of Kurdistan.