Activists call for participation in the Lausanne-Geneva march

Members of the Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwan ên Şoreşger-TCŞ) and the Movement of Young Fighting Women (Jinên Ciwan ên Têkoşer, TekoJIN) called for participation in the long march that will start on 31 August in Lausanne, Switzerland and end in Geneva.

A rally is planned in front of the United Nations (UN) in Geneva, the last stop of the long march.

The youth activists called on the Kurdish people and their friends to join the long march, drawing attention to the isolation of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and demanding his freedom.

The march aims to draw attention to the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan as part of the global campaign ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan and a political solution to the Kurdish question’ that was launched in October 2023.

In their messages, the young activists stated that they will be in action until the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan is ensured.