Turkish state targets pioneering revolutionary women in Kurdish society

The Turkish state systematically continues its assassinations and attacks to eliminate the resisting forces of the Kurdish people. Since the guerrilla and the people resist, it cannot bring its genocide strategy to a conclusion. In order to complete the genocide, the organised resistance of the people must be broken. The elimination of the pioneers will bring about the elimination of all the gains of the Kurdish people. When the Kurdish people are left without an organisation and without a vanguard, the resistance will be broken, and no gains and positions will be left. Whatever the Kurdish people have achieved today is thanks to their organisation. The Turkish state did not even mention the name of the people when they were unorganised and unconscious.

Turkish intelligence is working like a murder machine

First of all, it is necessary to understand and explain correctly the reasons why the women and pioneers of Kurdistan are being attacked so much. Today, Turkish intelligence (MIT) is working like a murder machine. Once upon a time, murders were committed by JİTEM (Gendarmerie Intelligence), Hezbollah and other dark forces. Now the MIT, the army and the traitorous Kurds and recruited gangs they have tied to themselves are being used. In the past, the state did not openly claim responsibility for the murders. They even denied the existence of JİTEM. By blaming inhumane practices and murders on Hezbollah, they argued that their hands were clean. They were the ones who used Hezbollah and put it into action.

Proudly claiming responsibility for the murders

Most recently, the Turkish state murdered Gulistan Tara and Héro Bahadîn in Sulaymaniyah. They knew they were women and journalists. The attack was based on intelligence. In this respect, it is not possible that they did not know who was in the car. Now the state authorities, MIT, are proudly claiming responsibility for these murders. They have a licence to commit murder. There is a situation of turning a blind eye and remaining silent in the states where the murders are committed. Influential powers such as the USA, Europe and Russia are either complicit in this lawlessness and war crimes or support/encourage them by remaining silent.

The team organising the murders harbours a deep hatred and enmity against women

Nagihan Akarsel was also murdered in Sulaymaniyah. It is clear that the team organising the murders harbours a deep hatred and enmity against women. They also targeted many women pioneers in Rojava. They shot many women, from those who worked as administrators in the Autonomous Administration to those who fought heroically against ISIS. The fact that women lead revolutions and influence societies is a sufficient reason for death sentences to be taken against them. Especially if these women are close to the Kurdish and Freedom Movement, they already deserve death! The Turkish rulers are blinded.

The unity of the Kurdish people is undermined

One of the reasons for these attacks in and around Sulaymaniyah is to intimidate the PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan). The PUK did not engage in betrayal like the ruling KDP. It did not support the occupation of the Turkish state and did not bear hostility against the guerrilla. Erdoğan administration threatened PUK members a lot. He made promises and is still dealing with them. As can be seen, the scope and reason for the attacks are very important. The unity of the Kurdish people is being undermined. It wants to crush the Kurds by fragmenting them and using them against each other. The primary goal is for the four parts not to unite, not to have status!

Who will remove this army from Southern Kurdistan?

While the Turkish state is driving its army into the interior of Iraq, it is not acceptable for the KDP, which is involved in these dangerous plans, to remain silent. Who will remove this army from Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq)? How do those who are partners in the occupation and those who support the shedding of Kurdish blood plan the future? Will the KDP tell the Turkish state ‘Withdraw your troops, is this what you told us’? It is not possible. Will those who live in Baghdad confront the Turkish state when some of the Kurds join forces with the occupiers? That will not happen either. They will say that ‘they are the hosts, they are inviting the invaders, let them do whatever they want’. That is what is already happening now. Erdoğan presented projects and proposals to Baghdad, and they joined these plans in order to take advantage of the war against the Kurds and to be more influential in Southern Kurdistan.

KDP media legitimises the murder of guerrillas, intellectuals and patriots

KDP media is interested in wheat prices in Rojava. They are trying to reflect what is happening according to themselves. They are very diligent to make the Autonomous Administration fail and expose it. On the other hand, Southern Kurdistan is filled with Turkish troops. Mountains are being bombed. Forests and land are burning. Villages are being evacuated. All hell has broken loose in that geography, but the KDP media manages to pretend that this is not the case. They use the language of ‘the war between the Turkish state and the PKK’ as if they are neutral. Two foreign powers are fighting on their soil, and the KDP media is posing as a neutral party! You do not support the guerrillas, the PKK, you have no patriotism left, but are you obliged to support the Turkish state, which is the enemy of the Kurdish people, which is trying to eliminate the Kurdish people with its name and its achievements? What kind of press ethics and Kurdishness can be explained by projecting pioneering women who have dedicated their existence to their people as PKK members and deserving of death? The KDP media legitimises the murder of guerrillas, intellectuals and patriots arguing they are PKK members. The media, which should enlighten the people, has turned into an instrument that obscures the truth and exonerates the enemy and murderers by the hands of the KDP.

Source: Ronahi Newspaper