Guerrilla’s family: We want the KDP to hand over the remains of our Serdem

The sister of Serdem Cudi, one of the guerrillas killed by the KDP but whose remains were not handed over, said: “What breaks our hearts is not Serdem’s martyrdom. Serdem fought honorably for the freedom of his people. The fact that he was killed by those who call themselves Kurds broke our hearts.”

In Xelîfan, on the Zap River, on the night of 28 August 2021, a guerrilla group of 7 people was attacked by KDP forces, and as a result of this attack, 5 guerrillas were killed. One of these martyrs was Serdem Cudi (Yusif Ibrahim). Serdem Cudi’s brother Yusif Ibrahim and sister Gulcin Ibrahim spoke to ANF.

Kurdish people are aware of the KDP’s treason

Yusif Ibrahim said: “Guerrillas protect the honor of the Kurdish people. If there were no guerrillas, the honor of the Kurdish people would be denied. Guerrillas are those who sacrifice their lives for their people. They resurrected the Kurdish people, whom the Turkish state said “we covered with concrete”. If there were no guerrillas, our people would not exist. Guerrillas wage their people’s identity war in the mountains for days without food, water and sleep, against an enemy that does not recognize humanity and attacks savagely.”


Stating that the history of the KDP is full of dirty pages, Yûsif Îbrahîm said: “The KDP’s treason is not limited to the last days, it covers a long period of time. Heval Serdem and his comrades were martyred by the KDP in Khalifan. The KDP is the enemy of the Kurdish people. The Kurdish people are aware of the KDP’s betrayal. This betrayal has been exposed. If it were not for the KDP, the Turkish state would not have been able to advance even one step in South Kurdistan.”

Our calls are ignored

Yûsif Îbrahîm said that they had been demanding the bodies of Martyr Serdem and his comrades from the KDP for 111 days during the tent protest set up at the Semalka Border Gate, and added: “Despite all our calls and demands, no one heard our voices. We want the bodies of our martyrs. We want to know where they are hiding our martyrs. We were ignored for 111 days. We could not get the remains of our martyrs. We know that the bodies of our martyrs are in the hands of the KDP. If it calls itself a Kurd, it should hand over our bodies.”

Kurdish children are being murdered

Gulçîn Îbrahîm condemned the attacks carried out by the Turkish state in cooperation with the KDP, and said: “Kurdish children are being murdered by the hands of the Kurds. My brother Serdem was killed by the KDP. We wanted my brother’s body and we still want it. We wanted to bury Serdem next to his comrades in the cemetery. Despite our efforts, they did not give us the martyr’s body. The great enemy of the Kurdish people is the KDP. It is killing Kurdish heroes by getting in the way of the Turkish state. What breaks our hearts is not the martyrdom of Serdem.

Serdem fought, struggled and made sacrifices for the freedom of his people with his honor. However, it is the fact that Serdem was martyred by those who call themselves Kurds that broke our hearts.”

Gulçîn Îbrahîm called on the KDP to be serious and requested once again the remains of her brother Serdem. She said: “We fought for 111 days and our struggle continues. We participated in the tent protest. There was mass participation in the protest. Calls were made, but not a single word was heard from the KDP. They continued to deny the existing situation. The KDP should know this well, we will get Serdem’s body even if years pass.”