September announced as ‘Month of Kurdish Culture’ in Bielefeld

September will be the ‘Month of Kurdish Culture’ in Bielefeld. The Initiative for Peace and Hope in Kurdistan is organizing a series of activities, including a concert, an exhibition and film screenings. The ‘Month of Kurdish Culture’ will provide a great opportunity to celebrate and explore the rich and diverse Kurdish culture.

The program includes a four-day film festival. On Wednesday, 18 September, and until 22 September, the Lichtwerk and the Kamera cinemas will show a selection of films by Kurdish filmmakers from various genres and from all parts of Kurdistan. Before that, a concert will take place on 14 September to give people the opportunity to experience the unique sounds of Kurdish music. Artists performing at that concert will be announced in due time.

As part of the culture month, an exhibition of paintings will be presented at the Bielefeld adult education center with works by young artists from the Maxmur camp in South Kurdistan/North Iraq. The exhibition will be opened on 23 August at 4 p.m. by the social affairs officer of the city of Bielefeld, Ingo Nürnberger.

“The paintings in this exhibition are a cultural reflection of life in the refugee camp. They show the challenges of flight, persecution, poverty and war, but also the hope for a life of peace and freedom,” said the presentation of the exhibition.

Anyone who not only wants to discover the artistic diversity and forms of expression of the people in Maxmur, but also wants to support them, will also be able to purchase the paintings. The proceeds from the paintings sold go to the artists.

All information and dates for the ‘Month of Kurdish Culture’ in Bielefeld can be found on the websites and