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Panel in Egypt calls for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan
The Arab Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan organised a panel discussion in Cairo, Egypt yesterday (24 August) as part of the ongoing international campaign ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish question’.
A panel titled ‘Abdullah Öcalan: From Kidnapping to Intellectual Creation, a will in the face of arrest’ was attended by journalist Majdi Deqaq, Vice President of the Arab Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, Dr. Muxtar El Xebashi, Prof. Mihemed Rifat Imam, Egyptian Foreign Affairs Council member Demhur Bemser, a scholar of contemporary history and international relations, Ehmed Bahadin Shaaban, Secretary General of the Egyptian Socialist Party, Raide Zebhani, a scholar of international law, as well as many intellectuals, academics and lawyers.
The panel was chaired by İlhami El Milêcî, spokesperson of the Arab Initiative for the Freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan.
In the panel, the struggle and free ideas of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan were discussed. The participants also evaluated the absolute isolation he has been subject to for years and stated that the isolation is contrary to international laws and standards. The participants emphasised that the trial of Abdullah Öcalan is political and far from international law and drew attention to the silence of international powers against the system in İmralı. The participants called for active steps to be taken for the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan.
The panel ended with the following concluding remarks:
“Due to our belief in a just and legitimate struggle, we draw attention to the following points at the end of the panel:
1-Abdullah Öcalan should be rewarded as an example of struggle and resistance. We are proud of Abdullah Öcalan. He is the symbol of the struggle for the rights of the Kurdish people and solution to the problems of the Middle East. His struggle and resistance against tyranny and despotism show the power of human will against obstacles.
2- Human rights must be respected. We strongly condemn the harsh measures against Abdullah Öcalan, the absolute isolation and the inhumane conditions in İmralı Prison. We call for an end to discrimination. Lawyers and family members should be allowed to meet Abdullah Öcalan. We call on the international community to fulfill its responsibilities and put pressure on the Turkish government to release Abdullah Öcalan.
3-Call for a fair trial. The trial of Abdullah Öcalan was not fair and impartial. Moreover, it was a political trial and far from the rule of law. Humanitarian standards and international treaties were violated during the trial. We call for Abdullah Öcalan to be tried by an independent court in accordance with international human rights standards until his release.
4- International support must be given to the Kurdish people. In order for the Kurdish people to gain their political, cultural and social rights, international support must be developed. We condemn all attacks by the Turkish government against the Kurds. We call on the international community to sentence the Turkish government if it continues to violate human rights.
5- The ideological and humanitarian struggle must be continued. We call for continued spread of the ideas of Abdullah Öcalan. Abdullah Öcalan calls for the creation of a democratic world, justice and a free environment. He also calls for dialogue between all ethnicities and religions for a common life. Abdullah Öcalan’s works are an intellectual and human heritage that must be taught to future generations.
6-International human rights committees need to be established. We call for the establishment of international legal committees that will take Abdullah Öcalan’s case to the international arena and follow his case until justice is served.
7- We appeal to international organisations. We call for an independent investigation into the violations of Abdullah Öcalan’s rights and for a formal complaint to Amnesty International and the International Federation for Human Rights, human rights and international organisations to work for his release.
We are proud of the struggle of the intellectual Abdullah Öcalan. His struggle will live in the hearts of all freedom fighters in the world. His struggle is for all humanity, for freedom and for justice.”