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DEM Party sees all its bills and motions rejected by AKP-MHP-dominated parliament
The opposition, which tried to monitor the government and pave the way with bills as well as questions and motions of inquiry, could not break through the AKP-MHP government’s majority.
The 29th term of Parliament will begin on Tuesday, 1 October at 15:00. Officially open between 13 June 2023 and 31 July 2024, no legislative activity that the AKP-MHP government did not agree to could take place in the Parliament. The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) submitted 5,666 motions of inquiry in the one-year period. The relevant ministries did not feel the need to respond to most of them. The number of motions of inquiry submitted by the DEM Party was 625, and all of them were rejected by the votes of the ruling party deputies. 78 of these motions of inquiry were submitted to the General Assembly as Group proposals, and these were also rejected in the same way. The DEM Party’s proposed law 136 was also not accepted.
DEM Party’s law proposals
Some of the proposed laws submitted by the DEM Party that were rejected were as follows:
* DEM Party Group Deputy chairs Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit and Sezai Temelli submitted a bill to increase the minimum wage and the lowest retirement salary by at least half of the highest poverty line announced that month and every 6 months.
* Group Deputy chairs submitted a bill to the Presidency of the Assembly to declare the districts affected by the fires in Izmir as disaster areas.
* Group Deputy chairs submitted a bill to the Presidency of the Assembly to implement the provisions of conditional release in the 25th year in line with the ECHR’s right to hope provision in the execution of aggravated life imprisonment, which is a life sentence and has a conditional release ban on constitutional crimes.
* Dem Party Mûş MP Sümeyye Boz submitted a bill to amend some laws for the equal representation of women in local governments and their equal participation in local decision-making mechanisms.
* Group Deputy chairs submitted a bill to the Presidency of the Assembly to establish a Food Safety Institution to eliminate microbiological and chemical hazards in food, eliminate deficiencies in the current system regarding food safety, ensure food safety through scientific and technological applications, and eliminate food-related public health problems.
* DEM Party Group Deputy chairs Gülistan Kılıç Koçyiğit and Sezai Temelli submitted a bill to provide monthly rental assistance of 25 percent of the highest hunger threshold announced by the unions to each household earning below the poverty line and not owning a home.
* Group Deputy chairs submitted a bill to the Presidency of the Assembly to end trustee practices. A bill was submitted to repeal Article 45 (b) of the Municipality Law No. 5393, the additional paragraph added by this paragraph, and temporary Article 9.
* Four deputies from Mardin said that the provinces of Amed and Mardin affected by fires and their surroundings should be declared a disaster area in order to prevent these and similar fires that could be categorized as ecological destruction, to eliminate the damage they cause to the ecosystem and human life, and to determine and regulate the material and moral damages that citizens face.
* DEM Party MPs Beritan Güneş, Kezban Konukçu and Yılmaz Hun, members of the National Education, Culture, Youth and Sports Commission, submitted a Bill of Law and a Proposal for Research on the right to base the salary of Private Sector Teachers.