Resistance continues in the village of Sürgücü

The people of the rural village of Sürgücü (Ewîna) in the Savur (Stewr) district of Mardin (Mêrdîn) have been resisting the Dicle Electricity Distribution Inc. (DEDAŞ) teams and the soldiers accompanying them, who want to move the electricity meters onto the poles since 22 August.

When the village was raided again on Saturday morning, the villagers took to the streets to protest the abuse. The villagers, who walked from street to street in the village, called on all the people to take to the streets with the slogans “Berxwedan Jiyan e” and “Bijî Berxwedana Ewîna”.

While the soldiers set up barricades on the march route with shields and armored vehicles, the people also set up barricades with stones on the Sürgücü-Savur road.

The DBP and DEM Party delegations visited the villagers who continued their protests against DEDAŞ’s work separately. The delegations, who met with DEDAŞ Provincial Director Halil Homan, conveyed to the villagers DEDAŞ’s offer that “no retroactive penal action will be taken.”

The villagers did not accept DEDAŞ’s offer and stated that they would continue to resist and would not allow the teams to enter their villages.