Hewlêr Reporters Organisation: The killing of journalists is against international laws

Hewlêr (Erbil) Organisation for the Protection and Promotion of Reporters’ Rights held a press statement on the Turkish attack on free press journalists which resulted in the martyrdom of Gulistan Tara and Hêro Behadîn in Sulaymaniyah on Friday.

Hozan Kadir, President of the Hewlêr Organisation for the Protection and Promotion of Reporters’ Rights, said the following in his speech at the press conference on Saturday: “Terrorist attacks against journalists in and outside the Kurdistan Region continue. We strongly condemn the attack in which two female journalists lost their lives yesterday. We call on international organisations to put pressure on Iraq’s neighbouring countries to keep the war away from civilians.”

Hozan Kadir called on the Turkish state to stop its attacks on journalists and added: “Unfortunately, the attitude of the governments of Iraq and Kurdistan Region in the face of the attacks is very weak. At a time when neighbouring countries are bombing Kurdistan’s villages and districts and targeting innocent people, the governments are unable to protect the sovereignty of their own lands.”

Hozan Kadir concluded; “There can be no justification for the martyrdom of the two journalists. This attack is against all international principles and laws.”