‘There is a local and intelligence intervention in the Turkish attack against journalists’

An UCAV of the occupying Turkish state targeted a vehicle belonging to the media company Chatr Production carrying Kurdish journalists in the Seyidsadık district of Sulaymaniyah earlier today. Journalist Hêro Bahadîn and Gulistan Tara were martyred in the attack, while Chatr Production Supervisor Rêbîn Bekir (30) was wounded.

Kemal Heme Reza, General Manager of Chatr Production, made a press statement and said:

“The Turkish state undoubtedly carried out this attack, which resulted in the martyrdom of two journalists, as a result of local and intelligence intervention. Some media organisations put forward the lie that those martyred in the attack were PKK fighters. All those martyred and wounded in the attack are journalists and have nothing to do with politics.”

Reza said that Gülistan Tara was from Batman province in North Kurdistan. Hêro Behadîn was born in Sulaymaniyah and was from the village of Tîmarin. Rêbîn Bekir was also from Sulaymaniyah.

Kema Heme Reza called for upholding the truth against media outlets spreading false rumours.