YRD: Comrade Rosîda embodied ideological depth and determination

The Yekitiya Ragihandina Demokratîk (YRD – Democratic Media Union) paid tribute to journalist and guerrilla Rosîda who fell as martyrs last March.

The YRD Coordination said in a statement that “Rosîda has become the concrete expression of a complete personality. She was a militant, writer, and journalist, and has joined the caravan of our press martyrs who knit free living spaces stitch by stitch.”

The YRD added: “Every nation and time has strong heroes. These heroes do not only live in the past. Sometimes they are so far away that we cannot see them, sometimes they are with us with their dreams and beliefs, and sometimes they are in the places they go. But each of them does this by holding on to one end of this moment and the great resistance that is being experienced.”

The last of these heroes, said the statement, were “comrades Rosîda Mêrdîn, Mazlum Doğan and Berxwedan Qamişlo became the real heroes of this age. We remember these heroic comrades who were martyred with respect, love and gratitude, and reiterate our promise to keep their memories alive and achieve their goals.”

The YRD Coordination continued: “Comrade Rosîda played a major role in women gaining an agitation-propaganda identity in our freedom struggle. She embodied ideological depth and determination in her practice.

Comrade Rosîda made great efforts to strengthen women’s press work against the media army of the male-dominated system, the masculine mentality and language. She increased women’s self-confidence and resistance power, and became an example of expressing oneself in all areas, especially ideological and intellectual works, and gaining self-identity and personality.”

The statement said: “During the period when Turkish occupation and genocide attacks intensified, she stepped forward to deal the strongest blows to the oppressors, and continued working with her pen and camera as well as her weapon.

We remember comrade Rosîda with love, respect and gratitude, and we reiterate our promise that we, as free press workers, will join the revolutionary march without hesitation or concern.”