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“Freedom Readings” events in Amed, Batman and Van
In many cities of North Kurdistan, the defense and analysis written by Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan were read.
As part of the “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a political solution to the Kurdish question” initiative, the Free Women’s Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad- TJA), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and the People’s Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) organized “Freedom Readings” events in many cities.
Every day, in different cities and neighborhoods in Kurdistan, people come together to read the defense of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan and hold discussions.
TJA met with women at the DEM Party building in the Karaz (Kocaköy) district of Amed. At the event, the “Rose Theory”, in which Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan addresses the issue of “self-defense”, was read. The part read from the theory is as follows: “I call it the Rose Theory. I thought about the rose. The rose grows thorns to protect itself. Even a rose, even a plant has self-defense. For self-defense, it is enough to look at nature. Don’t we have the right to self-defense as much as a rose? Self-defense is precious. Even a tree can dig through rocks and give roots and sustain itself. Are we not as good as that?”
After the reading, the women held a discussion on the importance of self-defense against special war policies. As part of the campaign, people came together in many neighborhoods in Erxenî (Ergani) district and readings were held.
Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan were read and evaluations and comparisons were made regarding current political policies. Readings were also held in Gîrêsirâ (Balpınar) town of Batman.
In Van, the “Freedom Readings” event continued on its 7th day in many districts. Meetings were held in Eminpaşa neighborhood of Artemêt (Edremit), İstasyon neighborhood of Tûşba and Yenimahalle neighborhood of Rêya Armûşê (İpekyolu). Passages from the defenses of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan were read, drawing attention to the ongoing isolation.
The readings will continue throughout the day in many cities today.