HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Berwar Dêrsîm

Guerrilla commander Berwar Dêrsîm fell as a martyr. According to the Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG), the Turkish army carried out a comprehensive military operation in the Glîdax area in the Serhed region of North Kurdistan from 7 to 10 August. There were heavy clashes with the guerrillas.

Guerrilla Berwar Dêrsîm was reportedly killed in battle in Glîdax on 8 August. She was commander of the Free Women’s Units (YJA Star) in the Serhed region and was a member of the command council of the HPG and YJA Star as well as the special unit Hêzên Taybet.

“Our comrade Berwar was a free Kurdish woman with great courage and self-confidence,” the HPG said in an obituary, adding that she dedicated her life completely to the fight for the freedom of her people and women and was a great revolutionary and teacher of free living.

The HPG expressed their condolences to her family, the people of Serhed and the people of Kurdistan and provided the following information about her identity and biography:

 Code name: Berwar Dêrsîm

 First and last name: Seyran Çomak

 Place of birth: Wan

 First and last name: Mihnaz–Sultan

 Date and place of death: 8 August 2024 / Serhedd

Berwar Dêrsîm was born in Wan-Elbak and came from a family that had always supported the Kurdish freedom struggle. She went to a Turkish school for five years. When her family had to flee across the border to Rojhilat (East Kurdistan) due to political persecution, Berwar spent another three years at an Iranian school. This made her realize that the colonialist regime in Kurdistan is the same everywhere and aims to exterminate the Kurdish people.

She rejected the traditional role of women in society and did not want to live in a system dominated by male dominance. After the arrest of Abdullah Öcalan in February 1999, she went to the mountains and joined the guerrillas.


In the mountains, Berwar Dêrsîm initially stayed in Qendîl. From 2004 to 2013, she fought in Dêrsîm. After Abdullah Öcalan called for withdrawal from Turkish territory, she went to the Medya Defense Areas and took part in educational programs at the Mahsum Korkmaz Military Academy and the Şehîd Zîlan Academy. This enabled her to take a self-critical look back at her previous practice and to come to terms with her own personality. She studied the ideology of women’s liberation and the military prerequisites for the Revolutionary People’s Struggle. After this intensive study, she took on various tasks in the Hêzên Taybet before becoming Serhed Commander of the YJA Star and putting her knowledge of the tactics of modern guerrilla warfare into practice. She did not limit herself to the classic areas of responsibility of the command, but took a leading role in all tasks that arose.

“As commander of the YJA Star, she showed that free Kurdish women do not compromise on the principles of a free life and fight for victory, even under the most difficult conditions,” said the HPG.

Guerrilla Berwar was open to innovations and anchored the line of the PKK and PAJK in her personality. In doing so, she gave her comrades great strength and was loved and respected by women and men alike. During her years in Serhed, a collective way of living and fighting emerged. “Our commander and comrade Berwar left an important legacy,” the HPG said, adding: “As her successors, we will remember her with every blow against the enemy and make her dream of a free life with Rêber Apo in Kurdistan come true.”
