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Ilham Ehmed: Either the Damascus government will accept us, or it will face a new wall
The workshop organised under the leadership of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) under the slogan ‘Defining the Kurdish identity and the Syrian people in the democratic nation system’ continues at the Zana Hall in Qamişlo.
İlham Ehmed, Co-Chair of the Department of Foreign Relations of Northern and Eastern Syria, took the floor in the second session titled ‘Kurdish Political and Organised Identity Formed After the Revolution and the Perspective of the Solution to the Kurdish Question’.
Stating that great changes took place with the 19 July Revolution, İlham Ehmed said: “In the 13 years since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, an important dimension has been reached in the solution of the Kurdish question in Northern and Eastern Syria. There is a process of struggle in Syria and Rojava. Since 2011, however, another stage has been entered. Before the revolution, the struggle carried out by Kurdish parties in Syria was organised at their own level. Since 2011, it has taken a different form. The process of gaining rights, cultures and relations between peoples in Syria has started a new process.”
İlham Ehmed drew attention to the legacy of the Freedom Movement in Syria and Rojava and talked about the gains of the revolution. “Many prices have been paid for the recognition of the identity of the Kurdish people. Many successes have been achieved to this end. Some groups, parties or individuals are working against this success. They especially target the Kurdish language. They oppose it with science, and some of them are not even in that science. For example, the regime does not accept children who study in our Kurdish language schools. This is wrong, it is a lack of faith in the future. There are tens of thousands of children studying in our schools.”
Ilham Ehmed continued: “It is not possible to go back to before 2011. There are nearly one million students. On the basis of this lack of awareness and undeveloped struggle, they want to violate the rights of a society. The longing of all Kurds was to send their children to school in their mother tongue one day. Today that longing has been fulfilled here. However, these counter-policies weaken the struggle of the Kurdish people. Our society should not allow this. This is the most important and fundamental achievement of the revolution.”
Drawing attention to the military forces of the revolution, Ilham Ehmed pointed out that the whole people should protect their own forces. “One of our other achievements is our military forces. With this power of ours, the world is forming coalitions. This coalition will lead to legitimacy. The existence of defence forces is a necessity. Those who blackmail have mental illnesses, and they do it on purpose. We should protect our forces and be proud of them. The world says it is a disciplined force. At this level, our power is acceptable.”
İlham Ehmed stated that the institutions of the Democratic Autonomous Administration are on duty against all kinds of attacks and said, “It is a success in the establishment of the Autonomous Administration, from communes to assemblies and institutions. We have criticism, but we should not be disappointed. There are attacks by the Turkish state against our service institutions. Our institutions are working against many attacks. It is not right to stand against institutions. We stand by the gains of the revolution until death. Voluntary participation is important for institutionalisation.”
“One of the achievements of the Kurdish revolution is the creation of a new consciousness,” said İlham Ehmed, “If life is organised according to this new consciousness, then it means that the revolution has succeeded. However, this has not been done completely. The history of Kurds is always full of resistance. Kurdish resistance is for a new life. This struggle is fought in our revolution. We have prevented many attacks and plans through the alliance of peoples.’
“The solution of the Syrian issue will be based on the solution of the Kurdish question,’ İlham Ehmed said, drawing attention to the Damascus government’s approach to the Kurdish question. Ehmed continued, “The right to the Kurdish language should be included in the Syrian constitution. Our fundamental right should be fulfilled. The right to self-organisation should be established. The regime should finally change. A decentralised self-government system should be accepted and the state should not be centralised. Either the regime will accept us, or it will face a new wall. Many meetings were held in search of a solution to the Kurdish question. The regime refuses to provide even 2 hours of education in Kurdish, i.e. it completely denies the right to the Kurdish language. They do not allow a Kurdish party.”
Drawing attention to the alliance of Kurdish parties, İlham Ehmed stated that the people should play their part. Remarking that consensus is important for unity, she stated, “It is called Kurdish or national alliance. If there is no agreement between the parties, there is no national alliance. Consensus at the top level is important. In fact, society can play a role in this issue. If the society insists on this issue, if it has the will, believe me, it will bring the parties to the table within a week. So far, the society has not played a role. The society should say ‘either you will come or we won’t accept you’. Our society should have concepts and projects.”
İlham Ehmed remarked that there are opportunities and dangers ahead of the Kurds in the coming days. “In Syria, Iraq and Turkey, there is an insistence on not recognising the Kurdish identity. For example, every success in Bashûr (Southern Kurdistan, Northern Iraq) was taken away from them, and the Turks were brought to Bashiqa through the latest alliance. This means that the Iraqi issue will be handled by Turkey. They are trying to destroy all the gains of the Kurds. Turkey’s role is great. The Turkish state is also in alliance against Northern and Eastern Syria. Deir ez-Zor is an example of this. The current situation is not encouraging. There are risks, but there are also opportunities for success. There is a need for ownership and protection.”