139 ISIS members among the Turkish-backed mercenaries in occupied areas in North-East Syria

The Centre for Documentation of Violations announced its report on the ISIS members among the mercenaries of the Turkish state in the occupied territories in North-East Syria.

The report mentions the names of 139 ISIS members and ringleaders active within the ‘Jaysh al-Watanî’ group in the regions occupied by the Turkish state and affiliated gangs. The mentioned ISIS members are said to be present in occupied Afrin, Azaz, Girê Spî, Serêkaniyê, Bab and Jarablus region, acting together with the mercenaries of the Turkish army.

According to the report, Omer El Hecî Sultan is one of the ISIS members close to the ringleaders of ISIS. He comes from Syria and is now based in Gire Spî (Tal Abyad). On the other hand, Ebû El Wefa El Tûnisî, a former intelligence officer from Tunisia, is now operating in Serêkaniyê as the ringleader of ISIS.

ISIS ringleaders Ebû Bekir El Bexdadî, Ebû Îbrahîm El Qureşî and Ebû Hisên El Qureşî were previously killed in the occupied territories during operations by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the International Coalition.