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Protest against occupation and betrayal at the Kurdish Culture and Peace Festival in Canada
The 22nd edition of the traditional Kurdish Culture and Peace Festival was held in Earlscourt Park in Toronto, Canada, where the participants marked the 40th anniversary of the 15 August Initiative, when the PKK fired the first bullet at the Turkish army in North Kurdistan in 1984.
The festival started with the performance of Koroya Zarokan/Koma Mezrabotan. Then the co-chairs of the Canadian Kurdish Community (CKC) Elif Genç and Kadri Ertuğrul took the floor for the opening speeches of the event. The co-chairs said that they will continue to make their best efforts to prevent suicide cases that have recently come to the agenda and asked all those who feel that they need spiritual and psychological support to contact them immediately.
The festival continued with the performance of the folklore group Mayn Zard from Rojhilat and the songs of the artist Hezil.
Speaking here, Ahmed Karamus, Co-Chair of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK), said: “Colonialist states do not want us to have a status. They do not want us to protect our language, culture, past and history. They mobilise all their means to destroy the resisting Kurd. In the face of these attacks, this cause will continue until the end even if there is only one person left fighting for the freedom of Kurdistan. In order for us to contribute to this honourable struggle, we need to support the freedom fighters and carry their struggle forward wherever we are in the world.”
Karamus continued: “I would like to appeal to the KDP from Canada. The basic responsibility of every patriot is to protect the existence, status and achievements of the Kurds. That is why you must end your partnership with the occupying Turkish state, because partnership with this enemy means a blow to all Kurdish gains and the search for unity.
We must achieve national unity in the four parts of Kurdistan, protect our language, culture, history and honour, and move towards becoming the first power in the Middle East.
We also appeal to the Canadian and American governments. Stop supporting the dictatorial Turkish regime and stop imposing a terrorist list. No one has the right to equate the sons and daughters of a people who saved the world from ISIS and their struggle with terrorism.”
Canada’s Conservative Party MP Ziad Aboultaif sent a congratulatory message in support of the festival, which hosted dozens of cultural/catering/entertainment stands. The performances of Kurdish musicians Mesut Med, Shahriyar, Merwan Tan, Gelawêj and Azat Aslan, who came from different countries and continents to add colour to the festival, attracted a lot of attention. The festival ended with the songs accompanied by the people dancing until midnight.