“No to the death penalty” campaign to last one more week

The Women’s Press Union (YJR) announced on 12 August that the “No to the death penalty” campaign launched against the death penalty given to women journalists and activists in Iran will continue until 19 August. On Sunday, the YRJ said that the campaign had been extended for another 7 days.

YRJ members told ANHA that the campaign will continue until 26 August. The YRJ added that the campaign period has been extended in line with the demands received from different women’s organizations in Syria, Kurdistan and the world in the last 72 hours.

Many women’s organizations in the Northern and Eastern Syria region supported and participated in the campaign. Kongra Star, Zenubiya Women’s Community and many women’s councils and committees have joined the campaign since its beginning.

YRJ spokeswoman Arîn Siwêd told ANHA that there was strong participation in the campaign, and added that many female journalists made important suggestions on issues such as giving more importance to women’s resistance and struggle, standing against attacks, and supporting the “Jin, jiyan, Azadî” revolution in a stronger way.

Siwêd said that 3,000 signatures have been collected electronically so far, and added that a press conference about the campaign will be held at the end of it.

The YRJ will send the signatures to the International Union of Journalists and Human Rights Watch.