Water stations damaged by the latest attacks in Deir ez-Zor repaired

Between 7-12 August, Difa al-Watani [National Defense Forces] and armed groups affiliated to the Damascus Government carried out attacks against Deir ez-Zor Canton. As a result of the attacks, 15 civilians were martyred and 24 others were wounded. Many houses were severely damaged due to the attacks.

The attackers targeted critical water sources such as Sebxa station in Basîra city, which provides water to 15 thousand people, Al-Omer station in Ziban district which supplies 3 thousand people, Hewaêj Ziyab station in Kesra city which supplies 12 thousand people and Abu Hamam water station which supplies 4 thousand people. Following the attacks, these water stations were left out of service and water shortages started to be experienced in the region.

Following the restoration of security, water institutions in Deir ez-Zor Canton started construction and repair works on the four targeted stations. Fewaz El Itêş, Water Directorate official in the region, stated that many water pipes in the stations were damaged as a result of the attacks. El Itêş announced that all four stations were repaired and put back into service after the works.

There are 80 drinking water stations in total in Deir ez-Zor Canton. These stations are of great importance in terms of meeting the water needs of the people in the region.