Hozat: Turkey wants a war between Iran and Israel to become the first hegemonic power in the region

KCK Executive Council co-chair Besê Hozat spoke about the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran and the role of Turkey’s Secret Services in it. 

The first part of this interview can be read here, while the second can be read here, and the third here

The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and the targeting of a senior commander of Hezbollah have once again brought the risk of a regional war to the agenda. Is such a war possible, and why does Turkey in particular want this war so much?

The answer to the question of why the Turkish government wants this war should be clear. The Turkish state is conducting a policy of genocide against the Kurds. It is also conducting a hegemonic policy and an expansionist, neo-Ottomanist strategy in the region. Now, if the war spreads through the region, if the current war goes beyond Gaza and Israel, if it spreads to Lebanon, if it spreads from Lebanon to Syria, if it gradually turns into an Israeli-Iranian war, of course, the alliance of AKP-MHP, Ergenekon, and ISIS would benefit from it, since they see plenty of possibilities and opportunities for themselves in such a war. Using such chaos as a justification, this alliance would continue its expansionist, neo-Ottomanist policies wherever it wanted, without any limits, and would go as far as it could. For this reason, they want this war to spread, especially to turn into a war between Iran and Israel, and they are looking forward to it.

Since Haniyeh’s death, the ruling media has been airing war broadcasts every other day. In all these broadcasts, they are always provoking Iran and Israel. They see this to their advantage, because this fascist AKP-MHP regime feeds on war, chaos, and genocide against the peoples. That is how it survives. It is in dire need of such a war in order to maintain its power, while it is already facing collapse. Both to bring the Kurdish genocide policy to a conclusion and, as we said, to reach the borders of Misak-i Milli and to establish hegemony over Iraq and Syria. There are other places, like Libya, that it has already gone to. It is conducting a general hegemonic policy in the region. Their assessment of the situation is that if a fight were to break out between Israel and Iran, both would emerge weakened, while they themselves would gain power. Therefore, with this expansionist policy, they want to conclude Kurdish genocide and become the first hegemonic power in the region. With this calculation, it is provoking this war.

The other day, comrade Abbas also evaluated the killing of Haniyeh. He said that because Turkey wants this war so much, the Turkish intelligence (MIT) and the state played a decisive role in the assassination. The Turkish state wants this war very much; therefore, it really wanted to make Haniyeh’s assassination an occasion for this, and it worked to a certain extent. It is a fact that Turkish intelligence played a role, but not only them; it seems that this attack was a joint plan of Mossad, the CIA, and MIT. These three forces played a role in the assassination of Haniyeh. It is known that the Mossad is strong and organized in Iran. There are many people who are recruited by the Mossad. The CIA is the same. Likewise, MIT has been seriously organizing itself in Iran, especially in recent years. The Turkish state is preparing itself for a possible Iran-Israel war or a possible civil war in Iran. It expects and wants this. Therefore, it is understood that these three intelligence organizations played a role in this attack. Iran is now in a difficult situation, and there are serious internal discussions.

There is constant social anger, there is resistance, and there is economic collapse. Since Israel is taking advantage of this weak situation in Iran, Mossad is most probably also involved in this, and the US is also openly behind Israel. It supports these attacks. The CIA and Mossad are partners in many attacks, and MIT is also involved. The Turkish state is already eager for a war between Iran and Israel. It is doing everything to further weaken Iran, to squeeze it, and to extract concessions from it. It even caused an explosion in Iran through ISIS. What these three intelligence organizations are working on is the spread of the war in the region. The transformation of this war into an Israeli-Iranian war has been discussed for a long time, even in terms of Lebanon. It has been discussed that the war will spread to Lebanon as well. The gradual spread of this war is a very bad situation for Middle Eastern society and for the peoples.

Peoples suffer greatly from such bloody wars, massacres, and genocidal wars. Societies suffer greatly, and particularly women suffer greatly. This benefits the rulers, the hegemonic powers. It benefits the genocidal colonialist powers. In this respect, we are against all kinds of war. We have been waging a struggle against the genocidal war waged by the Turkish state for more than fifty years. Israel is currently waging the same genocide against the Palestinian people as the Turkish state is waging against the Kurdish people.

We strongly oppose this. The mode of struggle that organizations like Hamas are waging on behalf of the Palestinians does not express the interests of the Palestinian people. Instead, it causes great harm to the people. The war in this region based on nationalism, religionism, and sectarianism does not benefit the peoples, it harms them. This is the most brutal aspect of the nation state. Nation-states are uniformist and fascist. The Turkish state, for example, is a racist nationalist state, and Israel is not different. This nation-state system has brought nothing to the peoples except suffering and genocide.

There are very valuable solution projects that Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan] has developed for humanity, not only for the region but for the peoples of the world, against the destruction caused by this Third World War that has been going on in the Middle East since the ’90s. There is the paradigm of the Democratic Nation: the equal, free, and democratic coexistence of all peoples, all cultures, and all beliefs, based on the democratic confederal system. In it, everyone can organize themselves according to their own will and administer themselves accordingly, while at the same time being interwoven with all others confederally.

This is the only solution to the chaos and war in the region. The nation-state system is the enemy of the people, society, and women. But the system of a democratic nation is the system of peoples, women, beliefs, and all kinds of cultural communities. This shows how important and valuable the ideas and paradigm of Rêber Apo are and how great the need is. The solution lies at hand. Right now, there is a situation of strangulation. Everyone is cutting each other’s throats and tearing each other apart. It’s horrible. Human deaths have become very commonplace. Massacres have become very commonplace. Hundreds of people are killed and massacred every day somewhere. Thousands, tens of thousands, are maimed. Millions are traumatized. This is a terrible reality. All these are the consequences of those brutal fascist nation-states and the system of capitalist modernity.

This means strengthening and expanding the resistance front of the peoples. The fate of the Middle East depends on the success of this struggle we are waging. The fate of Middle Eastern society and peoples, the fate of women, depends on the success of this struggle, because this is not just a Kurdistan freedom struggle. This is the struggle for a democratic Middle East.

On June 12, 2019, when Rêber Apo met his lawyers, he said something very important. He evaluated and criticized the genocide policy of the Turkish state and gave warnings. He said that if there were no Kurds in Mesopotamia, there would be no Turks in Anatolia. If you destroy the Kurds, you cannot keep the Turks alive. You cannot create the Turk in the absence of the Kurd. This is a historical truth. Now the Turkish state is trying to spread Turkishness through the Kurdish genocide, to expand the borders of Turkey, and to carry out an expansionist policy. But the Turkish state should be aware of this historical truth. It will be buried under the very same policy and strategy it is conducting. That strategy and those policies will be its tombstone. It cannot keep the Turks alive like that.

Now some people are saying that Rêber Apo wants a solution, but that the movement would prevent it. Of course, Rêber Apo wants a solution, he always points this out. When Rêber Apo met with his lawyers on June 12, 2019, he said, “I am now at a more advanced point than in 2013 in terms of a solution. But I am looking for an interlocutor.” However, the Turkish state is not seeking negotiations or a democratic solution process; it has opted for a policy of genocide. Its path is one of destruction and genocide against the Kurds. But as Rêber Apo has already said, there is no need to talk about the execution of this plan, they will bury themselves in it. This path can only lead them to their own grave.