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Call on international community to stop Turkish attacks signed by dozens
A group of activists, academics and representatives of civil society organizations have released a statement about the occupation attacks carried out by the Turkish state in Rojava and South Kurdistan.
The statement draws attention to the fact that the Turkish state continues its attacks against the Kurdish people living in Rojava, South and North Kurdistan amid the chaos and instability in the region, and states that the Turkish state was founded on the basis of genocide against peoples, especially Kurds, Armenians and Arabs.
‘Turkey wants to expand its areas of occupation’
The statement continued: “Turkey is trying to intimidate everyone who struggles to defend its rights. The arrest of elected administrators in municipalities in Turkey and North Kurdistan in the recent local elections is an example of this.
Turkey is pursuing an occupying military policy in Northern and Eastern Syria. Its aim is to displace citizens and settle gangs with their families in these regions, as in Afrin, Serêkaniyê, Girê Spî. We find Turkey’s attempts to normalize its relations with the Syrian regime dangerous. Turkey plans to expand its occupation areas towards Kurdish cities and forcibly displace people from their homes.”
The statement underlined that Turkey has occupied a large region for years with false excuses and that its aim is to integrate the occupied regions with its own state.
The statement added: “Turkey has recently launched a large-scale occupation attack. It has settled thousands of soldiers and gangs it brought from Northern Syria in the Kurdistan Region. This situation is endangering solidarity among the Kurds. This disagreement is growing stronger due to the silence of the Iraqi government.”
A call was made to the Arab League to take measures to stop the occupation policy carried out by the Turkish state in Kurdistan and Iraq. In addition, the statement called on the international community, the Iraqi government and the parliament to assume legal and humanitarian responsibility for the inhumane crimes committed by the Turkish state.
The signatories are as follows:
1- Democracy Movement
2- Hiwa Development and Peace Organization
3- National Youth Association
4- Newroz Culture and Arts Association – Lebanon
5- Sharif Sahin – Former Deputy Foreign Minister of Egypt
6- Prof. Muhammed Rafaat Imam – Member of the Egyptian Foreign Affairs Council
7- Hussein Siweidi – Coordinator of the Arab-Libyan Revolution Democratic Dialogue Forum
8- Dr. Ali Mehdi – Vice President of the Baghdad Center for Law and Economics in Iraq
9- Sharif Eid Hamid – President of the Egyptian Gulf Studies Center
10- Member of the Central Committee of the Egyptian Communist Party Dr. Ali Shushan
11- Former Syrian Democratic Assembly (MSD) Co-chairman Riyad Derar
12- Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-chairman Salih Muslim
13- Ali Said Ibrahim – Sudanese Communist Party
14- Ifred Riyashi, Secretary General of the Permanent Conference on Federalism in Lebanon
15- Supreme National Council of Western Armenia
16- Jenin Women’s Association
17- Lebanese Islamic Research Center member Kasım Qasir
18- National Progressive Union Party Parliamentarian Atif Mexawrî
19- Dr. Ali Selim Qureyshi
20- Nada Shex Dawud
21- Abdulcasim Said- Human Rights Activist
22- Journalist Ibtisam Nasir Ali
23- Ali Abdulzehra – Civil Society Activist
24- Journalist Mahir Abdul Baki
25- Academician Hasan Ali Muhammed
26- Author Hadi Abdul Hussein
27- Author Selah Abdul Star Mecit
28- Political Activist Mujtaba Abdul Nasir
29- Cinema Director Ali Bedre Xan, Egypt
30- Academician Dr. Semir Fazil – Egypt
31-Author Abdulfetah – Egypt
32- Journalist Islam Zif – Egypt
33-Islamic historian Ali Ebuxer – Egypt
34- Lawyer Sebra Qasim – Egypt
35- Author Abdullah Rabui, Syria
36- Author Ahmet Abdulaziz Kurdi – Egypt
37- Modern and Contemporary Egyptian History Expert Dr. Seher Hasan Ahmet
38- Writer Xelîl Qazî – Lebanon
39- Journalist Adel Fexrani – Egypt
40- Journalist İlham Milîcî – Egypt
41- Researcher Ali Sabit Sabri – Egypt
42- Writer Hasan Zaza – Syria
43- Journalist Ekrem Berekat, Syria
44- Journalist Abdulstar Hetîte – Egypt
45- Writer Rêbar Hibûn – Syria
46- Egyptian Presidential Political Program Presenter Ali Muhammed Siwab
47- Journalist-Author Niyaz Hamid Braym – Canada
48- Lawyer Mahmut Disûqî – Egypt
49- Human Rights Activist Mikdad Ebû Hana Muhammed
50- Journalist Ahmet Eta – Egypt
51- Law and Security Expert Şevki Muhammed Selah – Egypt
52- Writer Mustafa Hebeş – Ethiopia
53- Journalist Muhsin Ewaz – Egypt
54- Leader Freedom for Öcalan Arab Initiative Member Hani Cemal
55- Researcher Fatîn Muhammed – Egypt
56- Writer Firas Yunus – Syria
57- Politician Mahmut İbrahim – Sudan
58- Journalist Bunyad Cîzîrî – Syria
59- Writer Fethi Mahmut – Egypt
60- Israeli Relations Expert Dr. Fernaz Etiye – Egypt
61-Journalist Seyit Mustafa – Egypt
62-Political Researcher Muhammed Yusuf
63-Political Commentator Zeyd Eyûbî
64-Poet and Writer Amina Abdullah Hasan – Egypt
65-Writer İbrahim Halil – Syria
66-Researcher Munir Hafiz
67-Archaeologist Muhammed Ezo
68- Aydın Bedir Rahman Ahmet
69-Artist and Poet Jale Hemzewî
70-Human Rights Activist Şiwax Ali
71-Artist Emel Etar
72-Aydın Besam Ahmet – Syria
73- Writer Marya Ecili
74- Theater Director Abdulkadir Ebud
75-Doctor of Arabic Literature Hüseyin Mari
76-Academician Abdulrahman Ahmet
77- Theater Actor Firaz Ramazan
78- Sculptor Amar Amiro
79- Poet Fahri Derwiş
80-Artist Hasan Mustafa
81 – Debkat Club Coach Emad Ahmet
82- Poet Medya Süleyman
83-Aydın Muhammed Ali Derwiş – Rakka
84- Artist Beşir Nayif
85- Academician İman Ebud
86- Famous figure Şêx Muhammed Turî Suan
87- Famous figure İbrahim Oweys
88- Religious scholar Ali Salih
89- Journalist Mahmut Fesih
90- Politician Mustafa Orman
91- Politician Danya Ramazan
92- Poet Raed Fazıl
93- Democratic Middle East Magazine Editor-in-Chief Selahattin Müslüm
94- Engineer Riad Soma.”