Guerrillas celebrate 40th anniversary of 15 August Initiative in Medya Defense Areas

Guerrillas organized a ceremony on the 40th anniversary of the 15 August Initiative in Medya Defense Areas, where a fierce war against the occupying Turkish state is ongoing.

Speaking at the ceremony, HPG commander Baran Ararat paid tribute to all the martyrs of the revolution in the person of Egîd (Mahsum Korkmaz), the commander of the 15 August Initiative, when the first bullet was fired at the Turkish state.

Commander Ararat saluted the Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan, all guerrillas and the patriotic Kurdish people, stating that forty years have passed since that important day, and said: “The real meaning of this step was that the first bullet was fired at the slave mentality and colonialists.”

Commander Ararat, who stated that the first bullet was fired not only against the occupation but also against internal betrayal and selling oneself to the enemy, said: “This breakthrough was not only military. It was the intellectual power, courage and philosophy of the Kurdish people.”


Commander Ararat said that today’s attacks on the lands of Kurdistan and the Middle East are aimed at weakening and taking control over them, and added: “Today, we are waging an unprecedented war against the occupation in the Medya Defense Areas and in every area. Just as we have defeated this enemy with the spirit of 15 August, we will also be waging a historic war from today and give the necessary response to the occupying enemy.”

The ceremony ended with the HPG and YJA Star guerrillas dancing the halay.