YRJ launches ‘No to the Death Penalty’ campaign

The Women’s Press Union (YRJ) made a statement in front of Mihemed Şêxo Culture and Art Centre in Qamishlo against the death sentences against journalist and social worker Pakshan Azizi and activist Sharifeh Mohammadi. Pakshan Azizi was sentenced to death on 23 July and Sharifeh Mohammadi on 4 July. Both women were subjected to severe torture and inhuman treatment during weeks of detention.

The press statement was read by YRJ Executive Board member Newroz Demhat in Kurdish and by YRJ Spokesperson Arîn Siwêd in Arabic.

The statement remarked that the Iranian state has suppressed all the rights of women, individuals, society and the Iranian people with its male-dominated mentality for half a century.

The statement pointed out that Iranian society has never given up on the demand for freedom and uprising against the oppressive regime under the leadership of women and said, “The people did not step back, neither against execution nor against dungeons. The Iranian regime could not break the power and will of the revolutionary people.”

The statement emphasised that it is not possible for any state that is not based on democracy, freedom, justice and equality to survive in the 21st century: “There are many examples of this, especially in the Middle East. What happened to neighbouring countries is not far from Iran. The ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ [Woman, Life, Freedom] uprising is an indicator of this reality. Today, the Iranian regime may claim to have managed to crush this uprising, but it cannot extinguish the fire that burns in the hearts of the libertarians. It cannot silence the women who cut their braided hair for the sake of freedom. Of course, one day women will take revenge on this system for those braided hairs that symbolise their lives. The Iranian regime must change; if it does not open the door to democratic change, freedom and equality, it will gradually collapse and fall.”

Referring to the recent death sentences against Pakshan Azizi and activist Sharifeh Mohammadi, the statement continued: “Thousands of struggling women are currently being subjected to severe torture in the dungeons of the Iranian regime. Despite all physical and psychological torture, women do not make the slightest concession from their demands and do not kneel down before the genocidal Iranian regime. Warisha Muradi, Sharifeh Mohammadi and Pakshan Azizi did not give up their cause against the death sentences. Warisha Muradi in her defence and Pakshan Azizi in her letter written in prison, expressed their insistence on freedom.”

The Women’s Press Union condemned the death sentences against Pakshan Azizi and activist Sharifeh Mohammadi and emphasised that these verdicts violate human rights and all international laws on journalists.

YRJ announced that they started a signature campaign with the slogan “No to the Death Penalty” against the practices and death penalties of the Iranian state, adding: “We will show our support to struggling women like Warisha, Pakshan and Sharifeh by collecting signatures. The campaign, which will start today, will continue until 19 August. We ask all human rights organisations, women’s movements and journalist organisations to support our campaign. Be the voice of women and liberated peoples in Iran together with us.”

The statement ended with a call upon international organisations, human rights organisations and journalists’ unions to work for the annulment of the death sentences.