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Villagers in Kars say solar power plant will modify environment
The AKP government has accelerated its work to build a Solar Power Plant (SPP) in the village of Tekneli in Kars (Qers). However, the villagers are concerned about the irreparable damage caused by the project, which is progressing rapidly after the irregularly prepared EIA report. The project threatens animal husbandry and beekeeping in the region.
While the legal struggle initiated by the villagers continues, the attempts to implement the solar power plant project have not yielded any results. The villagers have not received a positive response from the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry and the Kars Governorship in their applications to ÇEMTAŞ Çelik Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ.
Villagers protest the project
The villagers said that if the SSP project is implemented, the real estate within the pasture borders will be rented for grazing purposes, the vegetation where endemic species live will be damaged, and the village animal husbandry will be destroyed.
In addition, they said that the migration from the village will accelerate, beekeeping activities will end, and water resources will be damaged because the drinking water line to the surrounding villages passes through this region.
Irregular reports
Kahraman Özçağın, who is the lawyer of the villagers opposing the SSP, drew attention to the environmental threats. Özçağın said that the villagers applied to the Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change and opposed the construction of a solar energy plant in the area surrounded by the village pasture. The villagers explained in detail why they objected to the SPP in meetings held and that these objections were recorded in the minutes.
The lawyer also said that the objections presented during the preparation process of the EIA report were recorded under the headings ‘as specified below’. Özçağın underlined that although the EIA report process required for the establishment of the energy plant was ongoing, the relevant companies started leveling operations on the land without permission. Stating that irreparable damage could occur in the future, Özçağın said that they applied to the Provincial Directorate of Environment and Urbanization, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Villagers applied to Administrative Court
The villagers applied to the Kars Administrative Court and requested a stay of execution. In their application, the villagers drew attention to the fact that the EIA report prepared regarding the Solar Power Plant project was against the procedure and law and requested that the report be canceled.
The villagers underlined that the integrity of the pasture should be protected with the examination to be carried out in the area within the pasture borders of the village legal entity and stated that irregularities were committed by carrying out the EIA report in the winter while it should have been evaluated in the summer months.
The villagers said that there were approximately 80 households and a thousand people living in Tekneli, and added that they made a living from animal husbandry and that the land was used for grazing large and small cattle and for winter fodder needs for four months. Therefore, they said, it was not possible for them to accept the EIA report.