15-year-old injured in artillery attack on Shehba Camp

A 15-year-old girl, named Lîlav Elî Bekir, was injured as the Shehba Camp for displaced persons, located west of Tel Rifat in northern Syria, came under artillery fire from the Turkish army and its jihadist mercenaries earlier today. The injury was not life-threatening and could be treated on site, according to the camp administration’s health centre.

In addition to the Shehba Camp, occupying forces also targeted other locations in the canton of Afrin-Shehba. A total of 16 villages and smaller settlements in the region were targeted on Friday morning, mainly in the districts of Shera and Sherawa, which are not fully occupied by Turkey.

The occupation forces’ infiltration attempt in the Shera region at around five o’clock in the morning resulted in fierce clashes with the Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE). According to reports from the ground, an unknown number of attackers were killed or injured, and the gangs fled the area after the clashes.