Catalonia Jineoloji Camp in solidarity with Shengal

As the genocide in Shengal (Sinjar) on 3 August 2014 has left behind 10 years, Catalonia Şehid Zelal Zagros Jineology (Women’s Science) Camp condemned the massacres against the Yazidi people and expressed its support for Shengal’s struggle for freedom and autonomous status.

The message from the camp reads as follows:

“We are at Martyr Zelal Zagros’s Jineoloji Camp. As women from Spain, we are analysing and learning about the history of our women, the history and resistance of our friends in Kurdistan and other countries of the world. Thus, we strengthen our revolutionary potential as libertarian women and defenders of the river of democratic modernity.

Today we all condemn the massacre of the Yazidi people in the mountains of Shengal in 2014.

This event has wounded us so much that it can only be cured through the struggle and organisation of women who fight for freedom, such as the women of Shengal who have established their own self-defence units.

This and all other massacres, in which the Western powers remain silent and complicit, mean a broad attack against the peoples, especially against women.

With these words, we condemn the brutality of capitalist modernity and offer our support to the freedom movement of the people of Shengal, especially saluting the women there and their self-defence organisations.

Freedom and autonomy can be achieved through the democratic paradigm of Abdullah Öcalan. We therefore demand his release from Imrali Island prison, an end to the 25 years of captivity under the regime of absolute isolation. His freedom will bring a peaceful solution to the people of Kurdistan and at the same time offer all oppressed peoples of the world the opportunity to live a free and dignified life.”