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HPG publishes balance sheet for the month of July
The HPG published the war balance for July. In the 205 actions carried out by the guerrillas from air and land, 1 UAV and 2 helicopters were shot down, while Turkish soldiers were killed.
The HPG Press Center statement is as follows:
“The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla entered July by commemorating our immortal self-sacrificing commander, comrade Zîlan (Zeynep Kınacı), and renewing its loyalty. July is the month in which the Great Death Fast Resistance took place. We insisted on the line of comrades Kemal Pir, Mehmet Hayri Durmuş, Ali Çiçek and Akif Yılmaz and increased our resistance. The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla resisted all kinds of attacks by the occupying Turkish army everywhere from Bakurê Kurdistan to Medya Defense Areas in July.”
56 chemical, 64 prohibited explosives, 2 tactical nuclear bomb attacks
The statement added: “The occupying Turkish army, in addition to countless operations and bombardments in Bakurê Kurdistan, committed war crimes by bombing the Medya Defense Areas twice with tactical nuclear bombs, 56 times with chemical weapons and 64 times with prohibited explosives. Our forces responded to the attacks developed by the occupying Turkish army based on air and land warfare techniques by increasing the Apoist self-sacrificing spirit, deepening guerrilla tactics, action and movement style, and thwarting the enemy’s plans.
During the July resistance, comrades Herekol – Taner Öğmen and Ekin – Çınar Ahmed, members of the Gabar Province Command, who led our struggle in Bakurê Kurdistan with an Apoist self-sacrificing spirit and great sacrifice, Kato Regional Commander Benda – Semra Ayverdi and comrades Destîna – Bişeng Durmuş and Baran – Seyitxan Sencer, comrades Newal – Nudem Kurt, Dijwar – Serdar Düşerge and Jiyan – Darşîn Musa, who led the resistance in Metîna, and comrades Canfeda – İdris, Çınar, Canfeda – Mihemed Ekrem Şêxo and Sîdar – Metin Dağcı, who raised the spirit of self-sacrificing resistance in Zap, fell as martyrs. We respectfully and gratefully commemorate our martyred comrades who reached martyrdom by heroically fighting on the basis of the 14 July Line, and we promise once again that we will follow the martyrs and definitely achieve their goals.”
One drone, two Skorsky downed, one lieutenant colonel killed
The statement continued: “During the July resistance led by our martyred comrades, the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla displayed a very important combat performance and carried out effective actions in the air and on the ground, dealing heavy blows to the occupying army. Our forces downed one drone in July, while the Martyr Doğan Zinar and Martyr Axîn Muş Units carried out 26 air actions and 178 ground actions by applying many guerrilla tactics together, for a total of 205 actions. As a result of the actions carried out by our forces; the Aksungur drone, which was shot down in the skies of Assos on 12 July, crashed near the village of Pîrzalan in the Gever district of Colemerg (Hakkari).
In the Western Zap region of Şehîd Delîl, 2 Skorsky type helicopters belonging to the occupying army were shot down. While all the pilots and invaders in the Skorsky that was shot down on 10 July died, 10 invaders including Pilot Major Mustafa Şen and Pilot Lieutenant Şamil Saz in the Skorsky that was shot down on 16 July were seriously injured. The occupying Turkish army and the war media made no statement regarding these major actions of the guerrillas, which were proven with documents and images by our forces. By remaining silent and hiding their heavy losses, they tried to prevent the spread of the effect of the successful guerrilla actions. However, our forces continued their effective actions without interruption, and punished Lieutenant Colonel Abdullah Cem Demirkan, who was in the command center of the occupation operation in Zap and Metina, and the first lieutenant and specialist sergeant next to him in the action carried out with sabotage tactics in Metina. The occupying Turkish army tried to cover up this loss by announcing it only days later and in the middle of the night. The resistance and war performance of the Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla in July with the Apoist self-sacrificing spirit has gone down in our history of struggle as an important resistance link. The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla has shown that it has taken on its leadership duties by continuing the freedom struggle without interruption with the sublime sense of self-sacrifice of Hayri Durmuşlar, who said, ‘We owe the grave to the people of the summer’, and the unwavering determination of Kemal Pirler, who said, ‘We love life enough to die for it’.”
Details of the war balance sheet
“The detailed war balance sheet for July is as follows:
Fighter Jet Attack 345
Helicopter Attack 52
Tactical Nuclear Bomb 2
Prohibited Explosive Attack 64
Explosive Loaded Drone Attack 1
Chemical Weapon Attack 56
Comrades Who Reached Martyrdom 11
Guerrilla actions carried out from the Air 27
Guerrilla actions carried out from the Land 178
Total Guerrilla actions carried out 205
Number of invaders punished 56
Number of ranked invaders punished 2
Number of invaders injured 46
Aksungur drone 1
Skorsky Helicopter 2
Hedgehog Type Armored Military Vehicle 6
Armored Military Vehicle 1
Crane 2
Truck 2
Ammunition and Explosive 2
Drone with Explosives 6
Container 1
Mobesse Camera 15
Position 12
Tent 7
Grenade Launcher 1
Projector 1
Skorsky Helicopter 1
Armored Military Vehicle 1
Bucket 2
Container 1
Position 15″