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HPG: Actions in Botan and Zap
The Press Center of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) said in a statement about the guerrilla resistance to the Turkish army’s invasion of South Kurdistan and the attacks on the Medya Defense Areas in the past two days. According to the statement, five soldiers of the Turkish forces were killed in guerrilla actions on the western front of the Zap region.
One soldier was killed by a sniper on Friday night when an army unit tried to advance in the Girê Amêdî area. In Girê Bahar, guerrillas attacked a military camp from three sides with light and semi-automatic weapons on Friday. Four soldiers were killed in the action, three army tents and two surveillance cameras were destroyed. On Friday, a surveillance camera installed by the Turkish army was also rendered harmless by targeted fire in Girê FM.
Clashes in Botan
The HPG also published additional information on clashes experienced in Botan on 25 July 25. On Wednesday, the press center announced that guerrillas Benda Amed, Destîna Botan and Baran Xemlîn were killed in an enemy attack in the Kato Xelîla area. On Saturday, the HPG announced that there was new information on the incident. The Turkish army launched a military operation in the area early in the morning and clashes broke out. Two soldiers were killed. The area was then bombed by fighter jets and helicopters for hours. “Our comrades Benda, Destîna and Baran reacted with great courage and fought heroically until 2 p.m. They were killed in the air raids,” said the HPG.
Attacks by the Turkish army
As for the Turkish army’s attacks on the Medya Defense Areas, the HPG said that prohibited explosives were used against a guerrilla tunnel in the Girê Cûdî area on Thursday. Areas in Xakurke and Metîna were attacked by attack helicopters over the past two days.
On 1 and 2 August, a total of 15 air strikes were carried out by fighter jets, affecting the areas of Qele, Şehîd Şerîf, Berbizina, Girê Şehîd Hêmin, Girê Şehîd Hawar and Lolan in Xakurke, Deşta Kafya, Rêbînê, Dêreşê and Heftebax in Garê, Şêlazê and Serê Metîna in Metîna and Girê Bahar in Zap.