Kongra-Star: We will not remain silent against violence, occupation and genocide

In a statement on the 10th anniversary of the Shengal onslaught by ISIS on 3 August 2014, Kongra Star Assembly said: “It has been 10 years since the Shengal genocide, which took place in front of the eyes of the whole world and no one intervened. KDP forces fled from Shengal without looking back and left the Yazidi people in the clutches of genocide.”

Commemorating the victims of genocide and all the fighters who put up historic resistance in the war against ISIS in Shengal, the statement continued: “We reiterate once again the promise that we will achieve the martyred comrades’ dream of freedom. It has been 10 years since the Shengal Genocide. Thousands of Yazidi women and children were kidnapped, captured and sold in markets by ISIS. The fate of thousands of captives is still unknown. The land of Shengal, which is a protected area of culture, belief and existence, is still under the threat of massacre and genocide. This threat and danger have not ended yet.”

The statement pointed out that the occupying Turkish state targets the Yazidi people almost every day by using various war techniques, “KDP also targets and threatens the Yazidi people with its black propaganda every day. The occupation is expanding in the territory of Southern Kurdistan through the KDP. This situation threatens the lives of women in particular and paves the way for genocide and migration in the region. The fact that the genocide of women is not recognised as a crime against humanity causes states and dictators to survive with femicide and paves the way for their reckless attacks against women. As long as femicide is not recognised as a crime against humanity, an effective struggle against social genocide policies cannot be waged.”

“As Kongra Star, we will not remain silent against any form of violence, occupation, genocide and conspiracy attempts,” said the statement and concluded: “The voice of Yazidi women belongs to all of us. As women revolutionaries, we will stand by Shengal, Afghanistan, Eastern Kurdistan and all women who are struggling for freedom. We call on all libertarian, intellectual and resilient women whose hearts beat for freedom to flow together to the free women’s squares and to expand the struggle.”