HRE: 9 invaders killed and 8 others wounded in three regions

The Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) reported that they carried out a number of actions against the invading Turkish state forces and allied gangs in Sherawa district of Afrin-Shehba Canton, Bab and Azaz regions.

According to the statement, 9 gang members were killed and 8 others were wounded in the actions carried out on 29-31 July.

The statement included the following details regarding the actions directed against occupation forces:

“On 29 July, one of our military units entered the enemy front in the Bab region. Effective strikes here left the enemy’s front and positions completely destroyed. 5 gang members were killed and 6 others were wounded.

On 30 July, 2 assassination attacks were carried out in the Azaz region and 2 gang members were killed.

On 31 July, our forces targeted gang groups gathered in the Shêrewa region between the villages of Gundê Kafr Nebo and Birj Heyder. 2 gang members were killed and 2 others were wounded.”