DEM Party kicks off Istanbul leg of ‘Bread and Justice’ campaign

The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Istanbul Provincial Organization came together in Esenler to launch the Istanbul leg of the Bread and Justice campaign. Party members gathered in front of the DEM Party Esenler District building before the distribution of leaflets and made a brief statement there.

DEM Party Provincial co-chair Gonca Yangöz protested the blockade of the district building and its surroundings and stated that this was the daily life version of isolation policies.

Yangöz said that they will fight against these policies, and added: “While the war policies experienced in this country are dragging us all into hunger, women are being massacred, young people cannot find a house, cannot study. We have a lot of work to do. And for this reason, we set out saying bread and justice. We never give up on any of our ideas. Neither the blockades here, nor the pressures on us, nor the massacres will stop us.”

‘Justice and bread’

Yangöz, said that they will emerge from these difficult times stronger than ever and added: “While the death warrant for stray animals is being signed in this country, while retirees are forced to receive a pittance, while women are being murdered on the streets every day, while rights violations in prisons continue, while what we call poverty is now at the level of hunger and is getting worse as time goes by, we will continue to work for justice and bread.”