Christian villages in South Kurdistan to be evacuated by the KDP-Turkey alliance

While the attacks on southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) supported by the ruling KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party) have reached a new dimension, astonishing alliances are being forged in the region. The racist, right-wing extremist and driving factor in the extermination concept against the Kurdish population, Devlet Bahçeli of the MHP (Nationalist Movement Party in Turkey), and the KDP government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq have formed an alliance under the supervision of the AKP that includes a Turkish right-wing extremist and Islamist settlement policy in South Kurdistan.

The South Kurdistan Region is administered by at least three centres of power. While the guerrillas in the mountains of Kurdistan defend the region and the population organises itself in a radical democratic way, the competing parties KDP and PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan) share power in South Kurdistan. The KDP is trying to oust the PUK with the help of Turkey. The corrupt KDP, dominated by the Barzani clan, has reportedly deepened its alliance with Turkish fascism. The KDP is not only acting together with the Turkish army in Kurdistan’s mountainous regions against the Kurdish freedom movement. It has apparently also formed an alliance with the radical right-wing Turkish MHP (Grey Wolves). The means for this alliance with the de facto coalition party of the AKP is the Turkmen Front, which is particularly active in Kirkuk and Mosul. The Turkmen Front is closely linked to the MHP and the Turkish secret service MIT and also serves in part as a military extension of Turkish imperialism in the region. The Turkmen Front has already been involved in several massacres of Kurds and especially Yazidis coordinated by Turkey. Apparently, a new alliance has been formed between the KDP and the Turkmen Front against the PUK, which controls the oil-rich region of Kirkuk after winning a clear election victory last year.

This collaboration between the KDP and the MHP also has a military component. Through co-operation between the Turkish secret service MIT and the KDP secret service Parastin, an unknown number of former ISIS members and right-wing extremists loyal to Turkey were brought together for the planned operation against the guerrillas in the mountains. Many of them come from terrorist groups from the occupied territories in northern and eastern Syria. The commander of the special forces of Furqat al-Hamza, Seyf Bolat, and Muhammed Hüseyin al-Casim, the commander of the far-right Suleiman Shah Division, are responsible for recruiting troops for the operation in South Kurdistan.

Seyf Bolat and Muhammed Hüseyin al-Casim are no strangers to each other. As commander of Furqat al-Hamza, Bolat was responsible for the plundering of Afrin, among other things, and is a co-signatory of an agreement signed under the direction of the Turkish state to plunder the occupied canton’s olive harvest.

Both Bolat and Casim are on a US sanctions list. They are held responsible for extortion, robbery and ransom extortion in Afrin. According to the US Treasury Department, Furqat al-Hamza is involved in the operation of prisons in which torture and sexual violence systematically take place. Casim himself is said to have earned around 10 million dollars through ransom extortion. This money flowed into a vehicle company under Casim’s aegis (el Safir-Oto) in Turkey, which is also on the sanctions list. It is reported that Devlet Bahceli invited Seyf Bolat and Muhammed Hüseyin al-Casim to Ankara and prepared the operation together with representatives of MIT and Parastin. A contingent of soldiers consisting of former ISIS members, members of the far-right Sultan Murad Brigade, the Suleiman Shah Division and Furqat al-Hamza is already partly in South Kurdistan.

It is striking that the 25 Christian villages in the region of Kanî Masî in the district of Duhok in particular have been the target of intensive bombardments by the Turkish army in recent days. According to information gathered by ANF correspondents, the bombardment of the Christian villages is aimed at displacing the population in order to settle the mercenary troops recruited mainly from Turkmen loyal to Turkey. In this way, ethnic Turkish nationalism also appears to be preparing an annexation following the occupation. In previous attacks, Christians, especially from the oldest villages in the Metîna region, were expelled. Those who remained are now apparently to suffer the same fate as a result of the more recent attacks.

The names of some of the members of the special force previously trained by the Turkish army and MIT from Sultan Murad, Suleyman Shah and Hamza Divisions are as follows;

Basil Xalid (01.01.1995), Mother’s Name: Xetîce

Abdulqadir Hesen (25.08. 1990), Mother’s Name: Nofa  

Mihemed Ibrahîm Ebdela (17.04.2002), Mother’s Name: Emîna Kîsîn  

İbrahîm Ebdalhelîm (13.05.1996), Mother’s Name: Riqeya

Mehmud Ehmed (10.07.1999), Mother’s Name: Firyal  

Bilal Ednan, (01.01.2001), Mother’s Name: Riqeya

Cimea Mihemed (01.07.1989), Mother’s Name: Fida

Tariq Neim (01.01.1994), Mother’s Name: Xirme

Xalid Ebdilhalîm (01.05.1992), Mother’s Name: Emîna

Xalid Hisên (20.06.1988), Mother’s Name: Kîsîn

Mihemed Ebdulah (01.01.2002), Mother’s Name: Cemîla

Welîd Zebab (20. 11.1988), Mother’s Name: Xedîca

Mistefa Fewaz (01.01.1990), Mother’s Name: Resmiya

Mihemed Cim’a (01.01.1975), Mother’s Name: Eyûş

Hesen Mer’î (05.05 .1979), Mother’s Name: Hace

Emran Mihemed (26.2.2002), Mother’s Name: Meryem

Loai Xalid (03.01.2002), Mother’s Name: Zileyxa

Hisên Ehmed (01.10.1992), Mother’s Name: Niema

Tewfîq Ebdulfetah (01.08.1989), Mother’s Name: Helala

Elî Xalid (10.01.1996), Mother’s Name: Xedîca

Ehmed Myesir (01.01.1986), Mother’s Name: Helîma

El Emer Xalid (01.05.2002), Mother’s Name: Şemsa

Xalid Casim (08.03.2002), Mother’s Name: Rebî’a

Yehya Ebdilselam (01.07.1995), Mother’s Name: Yasra

Mihemed Hesen (01.04.1992), Mother’s Name: Sıltan

Mihemed Yûsif  (02.01.1989), Mother’s Name: Emîna

Ebdilcelîl Elî (01.01.1988), Mother’s Name: Zekiya

Ehmed Hesen (10.10.1990), Mother’s Name: Zehra

Mehmûd Ebdulezîz (01.01.2002)

Elî Mihemed (01.05.1985)

Ehmed Cemal (18.01.1998), Mother’s Name: Nehle 

Elî Ebdulah (1.1.1995), Mother’s Name: Yasmîn

Xalid Umer (25.07.1987), Mother’s Name: E’yûş

Nidal Mihemed (11.01.1999), Mother’s Name: Emîna

Yûsif Mihemed, (06.01.1989), Mother’s Name: Zibêda

Welîd Mihemed (20.05.1995), Mother’s Name: Nûra

Fadî Mûsa (01.01.1990), Mother’s Name: Xaliya

Yamin Mihemed (01.01.2002), Mother’s Name: Yesra

Feyad Serhan (01.05.2001), Mother’s Name: Ezîza

Ehmed Mehmûd (01.01.1994), Mother’s Name: Rexda

Ehmed Hesen (31.01.1996), Mother’s Name: Xedîca

Ehmed Ela’aldîn (01.01.1995), Mother’s Name: Emîna

Yûsif Ziyad (1.1.1999), Mother’s Name: Samiya

Mehmûd Mistefa (10.07.1982), Mother’s Name: Eyûşa

Enes El Enes (10.01.1997), Mother’s Name: Cehîda

Ehmed Mistefa (12.01.2000), Mother’s Name: Esûm

Ehmed Hesen (10.01.1998), Mother’s Name: Zeyned

Nûrî Mihemed (25.07.2004)

Se’îd Ebdilqadir (10.09.1990), Mother’s Name: Sefa

Elî Mihemed Mihdî (10.9.1998), Mother’s Name: Şewî

Hiba Semîr (21.07.1987)  

Xewle Mihemed (01.01.1996), Mother’s Name: Werde

The names of the other members of this group, who were previously members of ISIS or had relations with ISIS for various reasons, are as follows;

Halil El Ali, Mother’s Name: Afra

Ebdulrezzak Huseyin, Mother’s Name: Vatha

Ebdurrahman El Ali, Mother’s Name: İzdihar

İsa Havvaz, Mother’s Name: Meryem

Huseyin El Alluş, Mother’s Name: Mensiyye

Hamad El Hussin, Mother’s Name: Eıda

Mahmud Baram, Mother’s Name: Feriha

Halid El Matar, Mother’s Name: Hedle

Ömer El Şuyuh, Mother’s Name: Hatun

Mazın Şa, Mother’s Name: Eliye

Masab Tahhan, Mother’s Name: Fehime

Ahmed El Sellum, Mother’s Name: Semiya

Mustafa Muhammed El Rumi, Mother’s Name: Aişe

Muhammed El Musa, Mother’s Name: Zekiye

Halil Samak, Mother’s Name: Vatiha

İsmail El İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Hessa

Mustafa Haddam, Mother’s Name: Meryem

İsa El Bekri, Mother’s Name: Sahar

Ahmed İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Galye

Omar Al Iadou, Mother’s Name: Şhamsa

Huseyin Barha, Mother’s Name: Fatma

İbrahim Al Saado, Mother’s Name: Hourıa

Abdulkadir El Abdulkadir, Mother’s Name: Ebla

Ali Tellec, Mother’s Name: Tuffaha

Raken Muhammed, Mother’s Name: Hasne

Mahmud El Mısto, Mother’s Name: İde

Temur Bilhen, Mother’s Name: Ayşe

İsa Al Mısır, Mother’s Name: Vedha

Malik Ali, Mother’s Name: Şemsê

Yusuf Aziz, Mother’s Name: Dure

Ahmed El Ahmed, Mother’s Name: Meryem

Uteybe El Mustafa, Mother’s Name: Hucuş

Bahattin Al Ilo, Mother’s Name: Emine

Yunuss Aziz, Mother’s Name: Lema

Ahmed Kureyş, Mother’s Name: Besma

Abdulkerim Ali, Mother’s Name: Hibe

Şahin Handiş, Mother’s Name: Hadise

Muhammad Aziz, Mother’s Name: Khansa

Hıdır El Bneyh, Mother’s Name: Ayşe

Hasan İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Vadha

Huseyin Hamed, Mother’s Name: Emel

Ramazan Şaban, Mother’s Name: Afra

Halil Alo, Mother’s Name: Fatuma

Muhammed Cuveyid, Mother’s Name: Nehle

Husam Kınefdi, Mother’s Name: Melek

Ayid Salih, Mother’s Name: Hadle

Ali muhammed, Mother’s Name: Mune

Ali Al Mustafa, Mother’s Name: Nura

Sadam Azzok, Mother’s Name: Emine

Abdurrahim Huseyin, Mother’s Name: Hatun

Halid Halil, Mother’s Name: Mune

Fuad El Hatvan, Mother’s Name: Sabha

Usame El Ahme, Mother’s Name: Azize

Mehmet El Humedi, Mother’s Name: Sehem

Ali El Utman, Mother’s Name: Meryem

Hamed El Utman, Mother’s Name: Meryem

Muhammed Hemeş, Mother’s Name: Arne

Hasan Salih, Mother’s Name: Zehra

Mehmet Salih, Mother’s Name: Siham

Hamit Hammadi, Mother’s Name: Fewziye

Muhammed Muhsin, Mother’s Name: Meryem

Ahmed Al Halil Al Halil, Mother’s Name: Emine

Mustafa Abdurrahman Hamud, Mother’s Name: Naime İsmail Cebril

Halil Hamud, Mother’s Name: Fatım

Ahmed Al Hammud, Mother’s Name: Ayda

Yasır Hamud, Mother’s Name: Zekiye

Kaşir El Ali, Mother’s Name: Sumeyye

Mizar El Hamadi, Mother’s Name: Delal

Mehmed El Ali, Mother’s Name: Hanse

Muhammed Ali, Mother’s Name: Eminra

Vail El İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Hınd

Heyil Eli İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Hind

Sair El İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Hinda

Samir El İbrahim, Mother’s Name: Hinda

Muhammed Sadik, Mother’s Name: Fatem

Cemal Sadık, Mother’s Name: Subhiye

Abulrahman El Tavıl, Mother’s Name: Aliye

Yakup El Sattuf, Mother’s Name: Sabah

Eymen El Muslim, Mother’s Name: Sabha