11 people sent to prison for dancing at weddings with Kurdish songs

House raids were carried out in the boroughs of Bağcılar, Esenyurt, Sultangazi and Gaziosmanpaşa in Istanbul on Saturday 27 July.

18 people were taken into custody for dancing the halay accompanied by Kurdish songs at weddings on different dates.

After giving their statements to the prosecutor, 11 of the Kurds who were brought to court were sent to prison on charges of “making propaganda for a terrorist organization”, while the other 7 were released under judicial control.

Protest in Urfa

In Urfa, the Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Karaköprü District Organization protested the recent detentions and arrests of people dancing halay with Kurdish songs. The protest was attended by DEM Party Legal Commission co-spokesperson Sevda Çelik Özbingöl, DEM Party Riha Provincial co-chairs Bekir Karakeçili and Sema Aişeoğlu.

Karakeçili said: “Those who applaud the organized show of fascism staged on the streets, at weddings, in the Parliament, on social media and in all areas of life are dragging society into dangerous waters. Sop committing open hate and racism crimes against Kurds.”

Halay protest in 7 provinces

Similar statements and protest were held in Pirsûs (Suruç), Xelfêti (Halfeti), Curnê Reş (Hilvan), Serêkaniyê (Ceylanpınar), Wêranşar (Viranşehir), Hewag (Bozova) and Bêrecûk (Birecik). DEM Party members and the public came together in front of the party buildings and danced the halay.