Iraqi Women’s Conference: Let’s enhance the resistance

The 3rd Iraqi Women’s Conference, organised under the slogan ‘Be the Voice of Self-Defence against Femicide through Joint Struggle’, is taking place today in Baghdad’s Qesr El-Sedîr Hall with the participation of a large number of women, days before the anniversary of the ISIS genocide against Shengal on 3 August 2014. The opening speech of the conference organised under the leadership of the Free Yazidi Women’s Movement (TAJÊ) and the Iraqi Women’s Foundation was made by TAJÊ Women’s Diplomacy Member Ferîde Şengalî.

Ferîde Şengalî commemorated victims of the ISIS genocide and said: “We are on the 10th anniversary of the genocide perpetrated against the Yazidi community on 3 August 2014. First of all, we commemorate the victims of the 74th genocide with respect. The Yazidi community has a culture, religion and an ancient belief of a thousand years that preserves the religion of Yazidism. Yazidi women have always had a meaningful struggle and resistance. Since the Yazidi community is a peace-loving community, it has never attacked another folk or nation. However, the ruling system has always wanted to destroy the roots of humanity, culture and the ancient beliefs of nations. The Yazidi community was not the only victim of this massacre and genocide. At the same time, Arab, Christian, Kurdish, Kakayî and Armenian peoples all suffered massacres.”

Ferîde Şengalî said that the fate of thousands of Yazidi women who were abducted in the 74th genocide is uncertain and continued: “The Yazidi community has experienced 74 genocides throughout history. Most of the ideas against our community were created by the Ottomans. The last genocide of the 21st century was perpetrated on 3 August 2014 by ISIS and their partners in front of the eyes of the world. Many women and children became victims of this genocide. In the person of Yazidi women, the Yazidi community was subjected to genocide. As of 3 August 2014, thousands of Yazidi girls, women, children and people were captured by ISIS. Thousands of Yazidi women, children and people are still held captive by ISIS and their fate is still not clear. Thousands were tortured and murdered. Yazidi women were sold in markets, raped and forced to change their religion and beliefs by ISIS. Yazidi children were forcibly recruited. In addition, tens of thousands of Yazidis were expelled from their homes and regions and Shengal was razed to the ground. ISIS fulfilled the order because the Yazidi community belonged to a different religion. ISIS blew up the sacred places and domes of Yazidis in Shengal. They blew up the holy places of the Christian community. There are dozens of mass graves after the massacre, dozens of them have been opened and dozens more are still waiting to be opened. It is known that a mass grave containing nearly two thousand corpses has been opened in Til Efer recently.”

Drawing attention to the resistance of women, Ferîde Şengalî said: “Everyone knows who did not protect Shengal but fled and left the Yazidi community in the hands of ISIS gangs. The forces that ruled Shengal at that time sold Shengal to ISIS. Yazidi women who stood against the attacks of ISIS resisted by ending their lives. Dozens of Yazidi women ended their lives by throwing themselves from the rocks and cutting the veins in their wrists. Martyr Cîlan and martyr Zêrê… There are also women like Dayê Gulê who fought against ISIS and became a symbol of resistance. On 6 June 2016, 19 Yazidi who did not change their beliefs were burnt alive in iron cages women in Mosul during Ramadan.”

Ferîde Şengalî drew attention to the organisation of Yazidi women and the importance of the conference and concluded: “The genocide should not be repeated again, women should not be subjected to genocide, and they should be able to protect themselves. After the 74th genocide, Yazidi women and the Yazidi community organised in every field. Today, at this conference, we share the pain experienced by women and the Yazidi community. The pain of our women is the same. Attacks against women, wherever they are, are due to the same purpose and patriarchal mentality. Today, women all over the world are subjected to attacks, violence and harassment every day. For this reason, the 3rd Iraqi Women’s Conference, organised under the slogan ‘Be the Voice of Self-Defence against Femicide through Common Struggle’ on the 10th anniversary of the genocide of 3 August 2014, is of great importance in terms of the construction of a free and democratic society. We believe that the unity and common struggle of women will prevent femicide. We women will hold ISIS and its partners to account through our unity and organisation. Finally, we welcome you once again and thank the distinguished guests who participate in this conference.”

The conference continued with the reading of the messages. The message of Feylî Kurds was read by Newal Wehab, the spokesperson of Feylî Kurds. Speaking on behalf of the Feylî Kurds, Newal Wehab stated that their presence at the conference was in support of all Yazidi women and said: “Today we have come to show our support for all victimised Yazidi women. Our common struggle is not just a slogan, but a humanitarian and moral duty. We owe a debt to all Yazidi women whose rights are violated and whose lives are threatened. We need to be a strong and effective voice for the protection of Yazidi women and work to change laws and policies that perpetuate violence and discrimination. We need to support organisations and associations that work tirelessly to protect and help survivors. We need to raise awareness about the rights of Yazidi women and the importance of respecting them.”

Newal Wehab called for a common struggle and said: “The problems we face are many, but we can make a difference with our common will. We need to work together as men and women, governmental and non-governmental organisations to build a world where the rights of Yazidi women are protected, and their lives are safe. Finally, we would like to thank all those who have participated in this struggle and dedicated their work, time and resources to supporting and protecting Yazidi women. Let us continue to work together, be a voice against injustice and achieve the justice and equality we all seek.”

After the speeches, a video message sent by the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) was watched. Speaking in the video message, YPJ General Command Member Sozdar Dêrik said: “As the YPJ, I greet all our women friends who attended the conference. We, as a people and as women in our region, have faced many difficulties. We also condemn the massacres against women by the governments and the system in the last 10 years. We state that we will continue our work and struggle in the coming period and that we will stand strong against all forms of occupation against our people, the people of the region and all women, especially young people. If women in all societies form common solidarity and carry out their struggle in an organised manner, they will achieve their goals and succeed in creating lasting peace all over the world.”

Highlighting the unity and common struggle of women, Sozdar Dêrik said: “It is the unity of women who will struggle the most, who will protect their culture and existence. As YPJ, we will continue to protect for women as we have protected them in the past. Hundreds of women and girls who fell into the hands of ISIS have been rescued by our units from the captivity of the gangs in the past 10 years. The Turkish state and ISIS have been carrying out attacks not only in North-Eastern Syria, but also in Syria and Iraq. We are determined to stand against all forms of violence in the Middle East and the world and to build our solidarity with women. On this basis, as YPJ, we call upon all women to be careful, to wage a strong struggle against all kinds of attacks and to form a great unity.’, “Long Live Women’s Unity, Long Live People’s Resistance Against All Occupations, Long Live Leader Öcalan, Long Live Jin, Jiyan, Azadi.”

Speaking on behalf of Arab women, Lûma Mihdî said: “We condemn the massacre of the Yazidi community, in which women were made the target of mass slaughter because they play a big role in society. We reject and condemn violence against women. We are always ready for the brotherhood of peoples and we stand by everyone.”

The organisation Common Struggle for Germany presented a song about Yazidi women to the conference. At the same time, a film about 2014 and the 10-year struggle of Yazidi women was shown.