Guerrillas: We will not give up our resistance until we live in a free Kurdistan


The Turkish army is currently carrying out a massive attack on the guerrilla-held Medya Defence Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq), particularly in the region west of Zap. The Turkish army is being supported by the KDP, the ruling party of the Barzanis, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. However, the guerrillas are repeatedly beating back the invading troops and going on the offensive with effective actions on the ground and in the air. Sergelê and the Bahar hill have become known for their fierce resistance in recent days and weeks. The guerrillas have repelled several major attacks by the Turkish army there and carried out dozens of attacks from the air and on the ground. Guerrillas from the YJA Star (Free Women’s Troops) and the HPG (People’s Defence Forces) involved in the resistance spoke to ANF.

We deal effective blows to the enemy’

YJA-Star guerrilla Tekoşîn Adil: “First of all, we would like to commemorate our comrades Canfeda Efrîn and Canfeda Soro who died after the invasion attack began on 3 July. The invasion attack of the Turkish state on southern Kurdistan creates a dangerous situation not only for Kurdistan but for the whole world. The aim of the invading forces is to occupy and colonise the entire Middle East. We can see the most concrete example of this in Kurdistan. Since the beginning of the invasion operation, many villages have been burnt down and destroyed. Not only the villages are being destroyed, but entire areas of Kurdistan are being burnt down. As our martyrs said, we will turn the Kurdistan lands into a grave for the Turkish occupying state, so much so that they will no longer be able to set foot on Kurdistan soil. Our comrades have already encircled and surrounded the enemy with guerrilla tactics. Despite all the difficulties, we continue to inflict further blows on the enemy with our willpower because we are waging this war on the basis of an idea and a philosophy. We have a conviction and a goal, and we believe that we will achieve victory with it. This is also our appeal to our people. All those who consider themselves patriotic must join the resistance with this sense of responsibility. If you join this resistance, we will destroy the Turkish occupying state together with the dirty mentality it has created.”

We will achieve victory together with our people’

YJA-Star guerrilla Berçem Soran: “The Turkish state’s aggression on South Kurdistan has made its intentions clear. The aim of the occupation is to force the people of South Kurdistan to flee and to plunder their land. This is made clear by their actions in the Sergelê region. The Turkish state is bombing and burning down villages. The people of South Kurdistan are expressing their reactions, but they should resist and not allow the occupiers to cross into in their country. This land belongs to the Kurds. The people should not remain silent in the face of the invading forces who move freely in the villages and their gangs who displace the villagers. This is our land. We will not allow the invaders to occupy Kurdistan. Another point is that the KDP is presenting South Kurdistan to the Turkish state. As freedom guerrillas, our stance against occupation is clear. We will not allow the invaders or treason triumph. Of course, we will do this together with our people. Our people should know that the freedom guerrillas are always at their side. And we are convinced that we will achieve victory together.”

Every place you set foot in Kurdistan will become your grave’

HPG guerrilla Erdal Qendîl: “With their guerrilla tactics and forms of guerrilla warfare, our comrades have dealt a heavy blow to the operation that the Turkish occupation state launched in Sergelê on the evening of 3 July between 8 and 9 pm with the support of the KDP. The Turkish troops are in a state of shock. The guerrilla resistance sent the following message to the invaders: Every place you set foot in Kurdistan will become your grave. But the KDP, which is willingly handing over Kurdistan land to the invading forces, must also be stopped. The Kurdish people must resist the treachery of the KDP. As freedom guerrillas, we will not let the invaders remain on this land, no matter what. The hard-hit invaders are venting their anger by burning down the villages and bombing forest areas in Kurdistan. We promise our people: we will not give up our resistance until we live in a free Kurdistan.”