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Women in North-East Syria work selflessly for their safety
Women’s Internal Security Forces in North-East Syria serve with dedication and determination as the guarantee of social security. In the challenging period since its establishment, women who have fought a great struggle by leaving their homes and taking on the defence of society and themselves have achieved significant successes. The Hîra Wan Academy, which focuses on developing women’s self-defence skills, and the conferences organised aim to build a strong women’s solidarity and a conscious society. In addition to ensuring the security of the public, women also undertake an important mission by making efforts to promote gender equality, women’s rights and public awareness.
Helîme Mehmud, member of the General Command of the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria, spoke to ANF about the establishment and activities of the Women’s Internal Security Forces in North and East Syria.
Established by 2 women in the Enteriyê neighbourhood of Qamişlo
Helîme Mehmud, stated that the Women’s Internal Security Forces were officially established on 30 June 2014 by 2 women in the Enteriyê neighbourhood of Qamişlo, describing those times as follows: “It was a difficult period. Society did not accept women taking part in internal security forces. It was not accepted for women to leave their homes and provide their own and the community’s defence in military clothes. The struggle of women, who were referred to as the woman of the house, the woman of the man, the mother of the child, has not reached today in a comfortable way. Defence was considered a man’s job. Such an atmosphere prevailed. The women who established the Internal Security Forces were women from within this society. Women had decided to provide their own self-defence within the society. They had taken matters into their own hands. As a result, they came to such a decision. During the first periods of organisation, we were frequently visiting families and establishing dialogue with women. During these visits, we were sometimes subjected to physical and verbal violence, and there were times when doors were closed in our faces. This atmosphere could be overcome by educating society and women.”
Now organised in 7 cantons
Stating that the Women’s Internal Security Forces were established in the Cizir, Euphrates and Afrin Canton of the time in line with the people’s demand after the great struggles of women, Helîme Mehmud said: “Now we are organised in 7 cantons. Women take part in Hawari, HAT and Operational Forces. They ensure the security of checkpoints inside and outside the cities and the border lines in North and East Syria. There are also women in the Traffic Police, who are responsible for maintaining traffic order and supervising the implementation of traffic rules.”
The 4th coference to be organised this year
Helîme Mehmud noted that the first conference of the Women’s Internal Security Forces was held on 25 October 2016 and added: “In this conference, the duties and responsibilities of women, the mechanism of organisation and self-governance were among the issues discussed in depth. With the 2nd conference, a change and transformation were made in the bylaws in order to create a more organised power. We have been carrying out our activities with this regulation until today. This year, we will organise our 4th conference.”
Hîra Wan Academy focuses on developing women’s defence, strategy and skills
Regarding the Hîra Wan Academy of the Women’s Internal Security Forces, which was opened on 4 April 2019 in order to make women stronger in the intellectual dimension, Helîme Mehmud said: “The academy curriculum, which consists of military and ideological training, focuses on developing women’s defence, strategy and skills. Topics that touch every part of life, such as the struggle and lives of women who played their role in history, communication with society, the importance of proper communication with society, and special war policies, are also covered.”
The aim is to create a conscious society and women
Referring to the duties and responsibilities of the Women Internal Security Forces, Helîme Mehmud concluded: “Our priority is to ensure public safety and prevent crimes, to intervene in incidents and conduct investigations in accordance with the law, to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights in society, to prevent special war policies such as drugs and prostitution, violence against women and to ensure the safety of women. It also aims to create a conscious society and women by organising activities such as education and awareness raising.”