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KCK commemorates 33 Suruç dream travelers: Let’s grow the united struggle
The Co-Presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement to commemorate the martyrs of the Suruç (Pirsus) massacre its 9th anniversary.
The KCK said: “On 20 July 2015, 33 members of the socialist youth movement of Turkey, who stood in solidarity with the Rojava Revolution and who came to Pirsus (Suruç) for the reconstruction of Kobane, were killed in an attack.
On the 9th anniversary of this massacre, we once again condemn this dastardly attack with all anger and, at the same time, commemorate with great respect the 33 precious friends who were martyred in the attack. By commemorating them with respect and gratitude, we want to commemorate all the martyrs of revolution and democracy, and we bow with respect in front of their precious memories.”
The statement added: “The attitude and struggle of the socialist, revolutionary and democratic forces in solidarity with the Kurdish people and the Rojava Revolution has played a very important role in the development of a united struggle against exploitation, reaction and fascism. This struggle has frustrated the fascist order that want to dominate in Turkey, Kurdistan and the Middle East. The martyrs of Pirsus are the symbol of this struggle. Their struggle is the continuation of the struggle that was developed by Deniz Gezmis, Mahir Cayan, Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, and Hikmet Kivilcimli. Deniz Gezmis expressed the importance of this by shouting that “the unity of peoples and the revolutionary struggle shall live long,” as he was taken to execution. Rêber Apo highly valued this attitude and developed the Kurdish freedom struggle in this spirit. The Rojava Revolution is a united common revolution of the peoples that emerged from this line. On this basis, defending the Rojava Revolution is the most correct revolutionary attitude. This is definitely the most correct attitude of loyalty to the martyrs of Pirsus.”
The statement continued: “The efforts and struggle of the socialist revolutionary movements on behalf of the people of northern Kurdistan and the peoples of Turkey have been a determining factor in the breaking of ISIS attacks and liberating Kobane. This struggle and the results of this struggle created a break in the reactionary, fascist, and colonialist system and smashed the plans of the fascist AKP-MHP government. The liberation of Kobane has been one of the most important turning points in history. Because it was aimed at building a reactionary, racist, and fascist regime through ISIS that would spread all over the Middle East after the fall of Kobane. The attacks carried out by the AKP-MHP government, especially the Pirsus Massacre, are the result of the defeat of this project. The attacks and massacres carried out in northern Kurdistan and Turkey after this date were aimed at activating this project again. The attacks of the AKP-MHP government that continue today are still within this scope.”
The statement underlined that “the united struggle of the Kurdish people and the peoples of Turkey, which developed in memory of the martyrs of Pirsus, has brought the AKP-MHP fascism to the brink of destruction. The fascist power is in shock and obstruction. It has entered a process of decay and disintegration. But it is trying to get out of this situation by making new plans, increasing its genocidal attacks and trying to achieve its fascist, reactionary and colonialist projects. The intensifying occupation attacks against southern Kurdistan need to be seen in this context. Again, the policy of appointing trustees and the absolute isolation of Rêber Apo in Imrali is within this scope. On the other hand, new plans are being made for Syria and Rojava. It is for this purpose that fascist chief Tayyip Erdogan wants to establish relations with the Syrian state.
It is the most correct revolutionary attitude to develop a united struggle against these policies developed by the AKP-MHP government which intends to achieve its fascist, racist and reactionary projects in new versions. All revolutionary, democratic, socialist and libertarian forces should act with this historical responsibility and further develop the united anti-fascist struggle. We call on everyone to further raise the struggle on this basis.”