Tribal leaders in Iraq call for action to “stop Turkey’s crimes against humanity”

Reactions continue to come from various circles in Iraq to the Turkish state’s attacks on southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). 39 more tribal leaders condemned the attacks of the Turkish state which has been conducting an invasion campaign in the region.

The tribes emphasised that Turkey is supporting ISIS gangs to invade Iraq, while the PKK is fighting against them.

The joint statement by the leaders of 39 tribes reads as follows:

“Turkey’s systematic attacks on people and nature in the Kurdistan Region continue. Villages and cities are being evacuated, burnt down and people’s safety of lives is being jeopardised. The local population is forced to leave their homes and the region is being turned into a military zone.

We know that Turkey is currently receiving support from ISIS against the PKK, which has long been fighting ISIS. Turkey’s main purpose is to occupy parts of Iraq and especially Kurdish areas. These criminal attacks reach the level of war crimes and affect human nature. These criminal offences, developed in partnership with the KDP, are taking place in front of the eyes of the Baghdad government, the international community, the US and the Coalition forces.”

The statement concluded with the following call: “As honourable Iraqi tribes and leaders, we reject these systematic attacks and call on the international community, the Baghdad government and the Iraqi parliament to uphold their humanitarian, moral and legal responsibility in the face of these inhumane crimes and to stop the attacks.”

The tribal leaders who signed the statement are as follows:

Şeyh Yaser Câsim el-Adıb – Bo Butoş Tribe
Şeyh Vasfi el-Ubeyd – El Ebi Tribe
Hemed Raşid Hemed el-Feyhan el-Me’muri
Şeyh Ali el-Emad es-Sekban – el-Bıdiyr Tribe
Tarık Abdülhasan Mez’al el-Gazali – el-Gezalet Tribe
Şeyh Hâbâr Ubeyd el-Ferhud – Kureyş Tribe
Şeyh Feysel Şâkir el-Kemendar – Beni Lâm Tribe
Şeyh Saleh İsa el-Umran – Beni Icêl Tribe
Şeyh Ali Haşim el-Mubarek el-Nafi’i – el-Bu Nafae Tribe
Mir Muhammed Suban el-Şiblawi – Şiblawi Tribe
Şeyh Ali Ahme el-Hatim el-Hasnawi – Beni Hasan Tribe
Şeyh Saad Hasan el-Xuyon – El-Sray Tribe
Şeyh Xalid Attar Falih el-Kasab – Kuleyb El-Texalibe Tribe
Şeyh Racıh el-Heci Hıcce – el-Bu Ciyaş Tribe
Şeyh Ferhud el-Şealan el-Süleyman – Beni Zaid Tribe
Şeyh Kazım Natur Seud el-Ebdıli el-Ensi – el-Ibabılle Tribe
Şeyh Musir Muhyisin el-Şecan – el-Tubi Beni Hecim Tribe
Şeyh Hasan Yusuf el-Duraissawi – Deaisat Tribe
Şeyh Hemud Falih el-Xiyun – Beni Esed Tribe
Şeyh Taklif el-Abıd Ali el-Daneh – Ciburi Tribe
Şeyh Ali Ereybi el-Saadi- el-Sawadi Tribe
Mir Maan Casım Mezher – Zubeyd Tribe
Şeyh Hüseyin Mehewi Bendewi
Şeyh Xalid el-Mıdih- Aacib Tribe Tribe
Şeyh Hüseyin Ali Xeyun – Ebudi Aşireti
Şeyh Muhammad Abdul Emir el-Şealan – Egara Tribe
Şeyh Faysal Şahir Kamandar- Beni Lem Tribe
Şeyh Erşeh el-Beniye el-Maliki – Beni Malik Tribe
Şeyh Fawaz el-Şealan – Rule Tribe
Şeyh Mucil Ali el-Waqaa – Cibur Tribe
Şeyh Hatim Ali el-Süleyman – Duleym Tribe
Şeyh Vasfi el-Asi – Ubeyd Tribe
Şeyh Haşim el-Abdullah el-Nammas – el Sade Busalamah Tribe
Şeyh Hasan Mirzacındo- Fakara el-Êzidin Tribe
Şeyh Sabah Xazi el-Heneş – Tayi Tribe
Şeyh Casım Muhammed el-Muteri – Muteri Tribe
Şeyh Wa’amid el-Me’muri – Musewiye: Musewiye Tribe
Şeyh el-Qadi Ali Sami el-Sahil – Beni Tamim Tribe
Şeyh Ahmet al-Başaa el-Zubeyir – Cıden Tribe