Turkish drone kills a civilian in Şêladize – UPDATE

According to Rojnews, an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) belonging to the occupying Turkish state bombed an area close to the borders of Şêladizê town in Duhok’s Amêdiyê district at around 9.40 local time. A local civilian was killed in the attack.

The Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) made a statement regarding the attack. CPT stated that the victim of the attack was Osman Rijdi (32), a retired Peshmerga fighter from the Rêkan tribe.

CPT said that Osman Rijdi Mîrweysiye, who was a beekeeper, lost his life as a result of the bombing by Turkish aircraft while he was taking care of his honey hives.

The Turkish state has escalated its invasion attacks in recent months. Villages are systematically bombed, war crimes are committed, and local people are forced to migrate. A number of villages have already been evacuated under intense bombardment, and hundreds more are under threat.