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Sozdar Avesta: The freedom guerrilla wages great resistance against Turkish occupation
Sozdar Avesta, member of the Presidential Council of the KCK, talks about the historical significance of the resistance of July 14. In addition, she analyses the guerrilla resistance and, in particular, the threat to South Kurdistan from Turkish attacks and the betrayal by the Barzani family.
Avesta also goes into detail about the situation of the Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan, and the responsibility of women in the revolution.
This year marks the 42nd anniversary of the July 14 resistance. This resistance had a great impact not only in the prisons but throughout the whole of Kurdistan. It also marked the beginning of a tradition of resistance. What can you tell us on this occasion?
On the 42nd anniversary of the great death fast resistance of July 14th, first of all, I commemorate the esteemed comrades of Rêber Apo [Abdullah Öcalan], comrades Kemal Pir, Mehmet Hayri Durmus, Akif Yilmaz and Ali Cicek with respect, devotion, and gratitude. Generally, I respectfully commemorate all of our comrades who raised the struggle following the example of Rêber Apo and, in this struggle for freedom, gave their lives. I bow before the martyrs. We will definitely fulfill our promise that we have given the martyrs to achieve the goals they set out for. On this honorable day, in the name of all the peoples of Kurdistan, we reiterate this promise once again.
There is a lot that can be said on this day, and nothing should be left unsaid. These heroes, these brave people, these resistance fighters, these precious comrades who defend the honor of the Kurdish people’s struggle, who defend the honor of not only the Kurdish people but also of all democratic nations, have expressed what is necessary through their struggle, their stance, and their great actions. In this regard, whatever we say remains insufficient. Our duty is to commemorate these days and to pay our respects and longings to these friends.
During the fascism that followed the coup d’état of September 12, the Kurdish freedom movement was still in the process of establishing itself. With the imprisonment of these friends, the state wanted to liquidate the hope of revolutionism in Kurdistan and even in Turkey. The state wanted to prevent the movement from forming, growing, and developing its struggle. For this reason, they turned against the pioneers of the freedom movement that became known as the PKK in prisons and carried out intense torture. They trampled on the values created in the name of humanity with their cruelty and inflicted intense torture to such great revolutionaries.
Against this persecution, against this massacre, on March 21, 1982, comrade Mazlum Dogan, the contemporary Kawa, lit the torch of freedom with three matchsticks and illuminated the path of struggle. The Four, who followed Mazlums path, consciously carried out their actions on the night of May 12, 1982 in order to defend human values. The resistors of July 14 also started their action with the aim of carrying the actions of Mazlum Dogan and Ferhat to a new level. This was fundamentally an act of consistent action. With this action they showed, that there is no turning back from this struggle. They conducted an action which is unparalleled.
As Rêber Apo once stated, these comrades defended our honor; they defended the identity of the PKK. In the prison of Amed (tr. Diyarbakir), this identity became known as a line of resistance against fascism. These friends themselves became the PKK. The PKK has become Kemal, Hayri, Ali, and Mazlum. Comrade Sara, one of the first female comrades to join the freedom movement, also supported these friends, and together they spread and strengthened the resistance. This resistance has become a crucial pillar in the development of the Kurdish freedom movement, a benchmark of revolutionary action in the PKK, and an expression of true loyalty to Rêber Apo and the oppressed. It showed the way to recognize the enemy and how to achieve victory against them. If the resistance in the prison of Amed 42 years ago had not been developed, if this line had not emerged, it would not have been possible to talk about a Kurdish freedom movement today.
42 years ago, there was nothing left; there was no Kurd or Kurdistan anymore. There were only some reformist movements and local associations, and they were not even associated with Kurdistan. It was these comrades, united around the ideas and thoughts of Rêber Apo, who waged an uninterrupted struggle in the name of Kurdishness, Kurdistan, revolutionism, leftism and brought it to a peak.
Rêber Apo made several deep evaluations about the character and significance of these comrades. For example, regarding Kemal Pir, he said that he was his “hidden soul.” With what spirit and with what philosophy did these friends resist? They had nothing, only their belief in freedom. They developed their resistance on this basis. Therefore, these friends developed this action consciously, knowing where their actions would lead. They said that Rêber Apo would represent them correctly and take their struggle to the end.
We are grateful and indebted to these friends. Continuing their cause, carrying it to victory, and fulfilling their goals is both a duty and a debt for us. Raising the struggle in the line of Rêber Apo and women’s liberation is only possible by struggling in the same way Kemal, Hayri, Akif, and Ali did. They developed a philosophy of free life and even they decided to sacrifice their lives, they felt indebted. Hayri Durmus requested that the word “indebted” be engraved on his tombstone, stating that he “could not fulfill [his] duties in terms of organization, style, and tempo in the appropriate way of the freedom movement. [He] could not achieve the freedom of the people of Kurdistan.”
They left behind a great tradition. This struggle has been built on these tenets.
Regarding a speech you recently gave on the occasion of the July 14 resistance, you spoke about a tradition of resistance that was created back then. You said that this resistance spread throughout all of Kurdistan, and later, through the Rêber Apos resistance in Imrali, this tradition spread to the whole world. How do you evaluate the current situation of Rêber Apo? On the other hand, the global campaign for the physical freedom of Rêber Apo continues. How do you evaluate the current stage of action?
The policies being implemented to target Rêber Apo are policies which target society. The word “isolation” is inadequate to describe the current situation. A brutal persecution is being imposed on the people of Kurdistan in the person of Rêber Apo; a policy of genocide and extermination is being carried out. Because Rêber Apo stands for truth, for an alternative ideology, philosophy, and system. He is a being that represents the people of Kurdistan, the liberated women, and all oppressed peoples. Our enemy, who is attacking Rêber Apo on Imrali Island, knows this better than us. They know what kind of personality Rêber Apo has, what kind of struggle he is waging, why he is waging it, and what level it has reached. They know, because it was they who developed the international conspiracy 26 years ago, and now for 26 years, Rêber Apo has been on Imrali island. That is why they are conducting the politics of genocide on Rêber Apo with special laws.
It is important to have a close look at the kind of resistance Rêber Apo put up against this policy of genocide. On the occasion of the resistance on July 14, I would like to particularly highlight the following: The friends managed to resist for 60 days, carried only by their conviction and faith. Today, Rêber Apo has been resisting for 26 years in the same spirit and with the same conviction. In fact, every day is, in his own words, more difficult than execution. Rêber Apo has interpreted the Imrali system comprehensively. When Rêber Apo was abducted and as the sole prisoner brought to the island, he first thought about refusing any food, drink, or even to speak and to put up such a resistance. But facing the reality that thousands have martyred within this struggle and given their lives for it, he changed his mind. He saw the inevitable necessity to live according to a philosophy of free life and accordingly to keep the struggle alive and bring the cause of the martyrs to a conclusion. He decided that no matter what the cost, he had to spend every day in that spirit, following that aim. Rêber Apo chose the most difficult path. He has been following this valuable decision for 26 years now for the people of Kurdistan and all peoples. A person normally cannot endure this aggravated isolation in Imrali for not even 26 days, let alone 26 years. It is an inhuman place, and an inhumane policy is practiced there.
So how can this isolation be broken? How can we make Rêber Apo’s physical freedom possible? For this purpose, a unique struggle has been waged for 26 years for Rêber Apo and the martyrs. The martyrs have made great sacrifices. Our people are on the streets every day. Especially since October 10, 2023, when the global campaign was launched for the freedom of Rêber Apo. Now we are in the second phase of the campaign. It has gone global. Responsibility is being assumed by the people to a large extent. However, the isolation has still not been broken, and Rêber Apo’s physical freedom has still not been achieved. International states are consciously keeping it at this level. The attitude of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) and the Council of Europe (CoE) has not changed, especially since international law is not applied to Rêber Apo. It is known that the Kurds have never been able to benefit form the law. As a result of a great struggle, on September 17–19, the CoE is supposed to discuss the “right to hope” on its agenda. We need to address this process more specifically. Activism, in terms of legal aspects, means spreading the ideas and philosophy of Rêber Apo. We should not approach it as a normal court. The mobilizations carried out so far are very valuable. I salute and congratulate all those who have participated, both in Kurdistan and on a global level.
The global campaign continues. Conferences, concerts are being organized and bar associations are making applications. Our Peace Mothers marched to Ankara, I especially salute them. But generally spoken we must strengthen our actions in the coming period.
In your speech you mentioned that Hayri Durmus requested the word “indebted” be engraved onto his tombstone. Although he gave his life, he sees himself as indebted to his people. Isn’t this a guide for the actions for the freedom of Rêber Apo?
Of course, it is very important. What has been done so far is important; that must be underlined. For 26 years, the actions and, generally, the struggle have been carried out according to the legacy of the martyrs. They show in which ways and methods actions should be taken for the freedom of Rêber Apo. In the spirit of July 14th, with an approach to historical consciousness and responsibility, for example, the friends at that time played a historical role. To whom does this duty fall the most now? Of course, it falls on the militants, workers, and pioneers of our movement who follow the path of the martyrs, but the reach of Rêber Apo’s ideas and philosophy also creates hope for humanity. In this respect, this struggle should not only be seen as the struggle of the Kurdish people; our international friends should also see it as their own struggle. And this is how they are approaching it. From this point of view, the struggle should be expanded everywhere in the spirit of July 14th. More actions should be taken in order to spread the philosophy of freedom and to build up a system. These steps are all intertwined with each other. Building Rêber Apo’s system and expanding the struggle in the line of women’s liberation, all of these are closely linked to each other. By doing this, we can break the Imrali isolation. This is why the July 14th resistance is very important – it shows us the way. It shows which approach and with which attitude and determination we should struggle for freedom. And it also shows how much sacrifice is needed to be given to achieve freedom. Our current struggle should not be seen as sufficient. This is important. Not by participating in one or two actions, but by continuing until results are achieved. This is the reality of July 14th. To go to the end, without limits or hesitation. Our friends who sacrifice their lives know that the the struggle will be expanded on the basis of this line of resistance. Today, we must embrace Rêber Apo with the spirit of resistance of these friends. Only in this way can we break the isolation.
Rêber Apo developed guerrilla warfare in Kurdistan in response to the July 14 resistance. Today, particularly in southern and northern Kurdistan, but generally all over Kurdistan, there is a fierce war, and the guerrillas in Kurdistan are fighting in the spirit of July 14th. How do you evaluate the reflection of the July 14th spirit on today’s guerrilla warfare?
First of all, I salute the Kurdish freedom guerrilla with all due respect. I congratulate their sacrificing resistance since June 30th. Since 2015, every Turkish minister responsible for the genocidal policy of the Turkish state has been claiming every spring that they will end the PKK before the arrival of the next spring and that “there will be no guerrillas left in northern Kurdistan.” In the spring of 2024, the guerrilla organized major coordinated actions everywhere, from Bagok, Mawa, Serhed, Dersim, Botan, Kato, Wan, and Xerzan. Also, valuable friends of ours have been martyred in these regions. I particularly commemorate the comrades Shexmus Milazgir and Beritan Ciya Nurhak, Shervan, Axin, Brusk, Firaz, and Serhildan who were martyred lately in northern Kurdistan and in the Medya Defense Zones.
Indeed, a relentless war is being waged on the basis of the July 14 tenets. Since July 3, the guerrilla warfare in the Medya Defense Zones has entered a new phase. Because the fascist genocidal Turkish state led by the AKP-MHP has now occupied and annexed big parts of the geography of southern Kurdistan with the support of the KDP and with the help of ISIS mercenaries this is a new process. The war is now being fought in Amediye, Dereluk, and Duhok. The freedom guerrilla is in great resistance against this occupation and annexation. And particularly since July 3, very big actions have been carried out; great blows have been dealt to the fascist genocidal state. It is known that lately a helicopter was shot down, drones are being shot down, and armored vehicles are being destroyed. With a will of steel, the guerrilla is raising a great resistance to defend Kurdistan. The YJA Star and HPG units, with their mobile teams and their tactics of war tunnels, are living a great resistance despite the massive use of chemical weapons by the Turkish state.
Guerrilla warfare has entered a new phase in southern Kurdistan. Also, in Guherze, the people blocked the road between Amediye and Dereluk. This is a continuation of the revolutionary people’s war. It is the people’s defense of their own values, Kurdistan, and geography. Like in 2008 in Qedishe, Bamerne, and Dereluk, when the people did not allow enemy tanks to reach Zap, the people are now again in resistance.
But it is necessary to evaluate how it got to this stage in the first place. Of course, the guerrilla resistance continues and will continue. The guerrilla is resisting sacrificially. The Turkish state is using all the chemical weapons it received from NATO against the guerrilla. But still, the guerrilla is resisting in a professional, modern, scientific way and with a will of steel. But what is the politics, especially in southern Kurdistan? A great betrayal is being carried out there in the person of the Barzani family. Of course, not all of the KDP is involved. Not every member of the Barzani family is involved. We know that some members of the Barzani family are against this betrayal. But those three Barzanis, father, son, and nephew, have sworn an oath to bring the politics of genocide against the Kurdish people to a conclusion. That is why they are openly and shamelessly advancing this betrayal. They have no shame anymore.
Recently, they have once again taken a step in this direction. The People’s Defense Center has made a statement in this regard, and the commanders of the People’s Defense Center have also spoken out and said that there are images that show forces of the Turkish army conducting identity checks on the roads of southern Kurdistan. They have come from another place, besieging and emptying villages, and then not letting anyone go anywhere. All of this shows the submissiveness of the KDP. They have brought the Barzani family to such a level that they can draw Iraq into this game. Every day they went to Iraq and held talks; they developed new game plans and great immorality. Most recently, a few days ago, they made a statement that there were incidents of burning markets, and they wanted to blame it on the freedom movement. They are doing this in such a way that right now they see the existence of the PKK as their own extinction.
Our people of southern Kurdistan and all the people of Kurdistan, our people in all four parts of Kurdistan, and abroad, as well as our international friends, especially the intellectuals, artists, academics, youth and women should follow the developments and should see that southern Kurdistan is being annexed. In other words, the enemy is occupying and settling there.
In one of his assessments, Rêber Apo describes the July 14 martyrs as a bridge where death itself was defeated by being turned into immortality. On the other hand, we see that the KDP functions as a bridge of betrayal and imposes betrayal on the people. As in the case of Afrin, we are faced with examples of women being kidnapped and raped, the destruction caused by the gangs under Erdogan’s command in Shengal (Sinjar), and the targeting of women in areas under Turkish state occupation such as Idlib. Under these circumstances, what is your call especially for women? What stance should women take and what should they do in the face of such attacks and betrayal?
I especially want to express that the attacks and the war in southern Kurdistan and Iraq are even more advanced than the attacks in 2022. Now the state wants to achieve results. They say they will be successful, but in fact, they are in a deadlock. They know this well. They want to get out of this lock. They want the Barzanis to get them out of that situation, and they need to get the support of the Iraqi state for this. I want to come to the point of what kind of struggle our people should wage. Our people should approach with historical consciousness and responsibility, and they should form a broad alliance. Any approaches which normalize this situation is unacceptable. They should be aware of this. Those who are currently in power in southern Kurdistan have sold off the country. No one should live with this negligence. No one should deceive themselves that this war is a war against the PKK. Who is the PKK? Is it legitimate to massacre the PKK? The PKK has been defending the values of freedom for 51 years. It has given thousands of martyrs. It has paid a high price for the freedom of the people. Now in the tunnels of war, in the heart of Kurdistan, the resistance of the freedom guerrillas has never been so beautiful with Kurdish women and men defending the honor of Kurdistan. These are the values of the people of Kurdistan; they are the most honorable and wise people. All of them have positioned themselves against the politics of annihilation, following the philosophy of freedom.
They want to legitimize a political system based on the liquidation of the PKK. They deceive, saying that these attacks would be aimed at the PKK. Our people in southern Kurdistan know that if it were not for the PKK, they would have been subjected to genocide many times over. When did they forget Halabja? Did they forget 1991. Today, if people in southern Kurdistan can live easily, it is thanks to the freedom guerrilla. No one should deceive themselves. Who among the Barzani family defends Kurdishness? They have nothing to do with Kurdishness. Those who see themselves as Kurds, those who defend Kurdish values, are the Êzidî community, which has been subjected to 74 fermans (genocides). They defended Kurdish culture and language. They have defended Kurdish morality despite going through 74 fermans. Right now, the Barzani family is expressing the biggest enmity against the Êzidîs. We will also comment on those who let ISIS attack the Êzidî community in the following days. They let Shengal be attacked; they sold Shengal. They negotiated with ISIS, and now they have brought ISIS to Bamerne.
Thanks to the freedom movement, the people of Shengal were protected and freed. What are they doing now? They have built a political system of their own will, established their councils around mount Shengal, and formed their own self-defense forces. They have pulled themselves together and want to live humanely in their own land. But almost every day, Turkish warplanes attack them. A few days ago, they attacked members of the free press. I pay tribute to Mirad Mirza, a reporter and journalist for Chira TV. I wish a speedy recovery to the wounded. But I also celebrate and salute the struggle of our people there. The Iraqi state must see this. What did they negotiate for Shengal? Why did Barzani go to Baghdad a few days ago? The governor of Shengal was appointed by the Mosul parliament. If Barzani says that he is not against the people of Shengal, why did he protest against this? He insists on putting the October 9 Agreement from 2020 into effect. He insists on putting into effect the agreement to complete the ferman. The people of southern Kurdistan should see how far the Barzani family is from the Kurdish people. They are enemies of the free Kurd. They are really hung up on betrayal and want to destroy Kurdishness. Now this is over. They present themselves as the defenders of the Kurds; they are not! That period is over.
In Afrin, women are kidnapped and massacred every day. Who is leading this situation, who is guiding the enemy? Just like the Roj mercenaries, it is the ENKS that is now mobilizing ISIS gangs. There are massacres of women everywhere; massacres of women in Shengal, massacres of women in Afrin. The attacks on the revolution in North and East Syria continue. Against this situation, the resistance of our people in southern Kurdistan is especially crucial. They should know the Barzani family well, especially the father, nephew and son. The people of southern Kurdistan are a people of value and honor. They are followers of an ancient history; they are patriots. They have heroes such as Viyan, Helmet and Destîna. Comrade Helmet was from the heart of this people. He was a member of the KCK Executive Council, the inheritor of the spirit of the July 14 resistance and a member of the PKK. He was martyred as a result of the KDP’s betrayal.
Without the PKK, Kurdishness would seize to exist, the free women’s movement would disappear; slavery and slaughter would revive. For this reason, we must raise the struggle around the freedom guerrilla with the spirit of the July 14 resistance, together with the stance that is being shown in Imrali. Everyone must take a stance against this politics of genocide and attacks in their own sphere of life. There is no middle ground anymore; either you take a stance against enemy attacks or you side with the line of betrayal. How far is this going to go? From South to North Kurdistan, wherever there is a Kurd defending freedom, they want to kill them. The fascist chief Erdogan has built his entire diplomacy on the destruction of the Kurds. For this, I call on all Kurds, especially the people of southern Kurdistan, to raise their struggle.
Kemal Pir once said, “We love life so much that we would give our lives for it.” And they truly developed a comprehensive struggle for a free life against slavery. On the 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution, this revolution has been recognized worldwide as a women’s revolution, and great successes have been achieved in the name of women. However, today there are major attacks against these gains. Erdogan and Assad, despite their 13 years of war, are trying to make peace to destroy women’s gains. How should the worldwide echo of the Rojava Women’s Revolution be evaluated? How can the achievements be protected by women?
The revolution was led by women; the women’s voice and women’s leadership within the process led to the development of the revolution in this way. KONGRA Star led this process. I congratulate our people and all of those in the world who are in favor of freedom on their revolution. Thousands of people gave their lives for the defense of the revolution and the free women’s ideology. I commemorate our martyrs with respect and salute the mothers of the martyrs, the women of the resistance, and especially the young women who add their color to the revolution.
The revolution in North and East Syria is a great and lasting revolution. Just as the October 17 revolution had a century-long impact, the North and East Syrian revolution took its first step under the leadership of women in the 21st century and was built in this way. This revolution, based on the philosophy of free women and the line of free women, is a revolution full of wisdom and values. In the current system, women are fundamental. From the committees to the upper levels of the autonomous structure, the co-presidency system is being implemented, and the free woman system is being implemented. This has been a great hope for the women of the world, and many internationalist women’s groups are fighting for the preservation of the revolution. Just as they wanted to suffocate the PKK’s first steps in the prisons, the North and East Syrian revolution was subjected to great attacks before it completed even its first year.
In the first year of the revolution, the fascist Jabhet-ul-Nusra, attacked Serekaniye. When they were defeated, this time they organized ISIS. Now, for 12 years, the revolution has been besieged by the fascist and genocidal Turkish state, and several places have been occupied. They also wanted to poison the revolution with the betrayal of the Barzani family. Despite all this, the revolution has made serious progress. It has developed its own system. It has a unique system of self-defense and is defending the area. Most importantly, it has an ecological, free, and democratic system led by women, and they can take this to an advanced stage and turn it into a system that will benefit all of humanity.
Of course, there are also great threats to the revolution. The fascist chief wants to develop a new process with Syria because he wants to destroy the opportunities developed by the peoples in northern and eastern Syria. This is his aim. There is no doubt that the peoples of North and East Syria have built this revolution by defending it against the ISIS mentality. It is a democratic, equal revolution that protects and sustains all peoples and their beliefs. Therefore, Arabs, Assyrians, and all peoples and beliefs living there need to protect this revolution. They need to be aware of the dangers that exist. Against these dangers, they should develop and advance their defense on the 13th anniversary of the revolution. They must develop the revolutionary people’s war and self-defense further. It should not turn into a situation where there are only professional forces that are used for defense. This is a people’s revolution, a women’s revolution, a revolution of rights and beliefs. For this reason, these communities must protect themselves and the revolution. On this basis, they need to strengthen both their unity and defense. They must build their lives accordingly. The revolution must now be protected in this way.
What kind of resistance are the freedom guerrillas putting forward today despite all the impossibilities? How has Rêber Apo been putting up such a strong resistance for 26 years? Just as the struggle has resisted from July 14th until today, the revolution in northern and eastern Syria has been marching on these sacred values for 12 years. I am strongly convinced that the women and youth will protect their revolution. Because they have recognized freedom, this is the revolution of freedom and the revolution of free women, and women all over the world are inspired by it. Their eyes are on North and East Syria. In terms of the system, women’s education, democratic functioning, education based on Jineoloji, all women’s eyes are on this revolution. Because this revolution has hosted and pioneered many achievements. These achievements have become values of freedom for all societies.
On the other hand, the North and East Syria administration will decide on the solution. However, we believe in the following. The Syrian state and the Turkish state do not have the right to make an agreement to destroy the will of the Kurdish people and other peoples of the region. They need to see this. Now the biggest problem in the region is the Turkish state. Until now they were slandering the Assad regime. Today, they can behave differently for their interests. The problem is very big, it is not that easy. They have organized hundreds of thousands of mercenaries. Thousands of those that were placed in Idlib, Serekaniye and other places have now been brought to the Medya Defense Zones. They are a scourge not only for Syria but also for Iraq. They are also dangerous for Iran. Especially the Turkish state has been the biggest danger for the region. For this reason, the Syrian state’s interest lies in the formation of a democratic Syria. It is in its interest to negotiate with the democratic autonomous administration.
On this basis, the revolution will develop further. The role of women is important here. The development of women’s defense, economy and the building of the system, which has now become the property of the women of the world; we find the development of the revolution in this direction in its 12th year very important and valuable. In its 13th year, I am strongly convinced it will develop even further. Once again, I congratulate this great revolution, this powerful revolution that is an inspiration to humanity.
This process is very significant. I would like to repeat the following call. A struggle is being waged in a very difficult process. Rêber Apo has been continuing this resistance with a great, honorable, and respectable stance for 26 years. Again, the freedom guerrilla is waging a great resistance. Our people are standing up all over Kurdistan. All the dangers need to be seen, and one shall not leave the revolution on the shoulders of the guerrilla alone. Let’s not leave the resistance with İmralı limited to the resistance of the prisons. In the prisons, they have been a great resistance since November 27th of last year in the line of Kemal, Mazlum, Akif, Ali, and Hayri. They stated that they would continue their resistance, first with a hunger strike, then, as they expressed through a press statement, by protesting the situation of Rêber Apo by not appearing in courts and meetings with their lawyers and families. The prisons have been conducting a great resistance along this line for 42 years. We need to continue this struggle and resistance as a whole. Again, we call on our people, intellectuals, academics, artists, women, and young people to unite around the July 14 resistance, the freedom guerrilla, and the line of Rêber Apo and to raise the struggle. On this occasion, I call on the youth to join the guerrilla. Especially the youth of southern Kurdistan should join the guerrilla. Southern Kurdistan is in great danger right now.