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KNK delegation’s talks in South Kurdistan continue
A delegation of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) headed by Co-Chair Ahmet Karamus continues its talks in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq).
The delegation visited Komela Dadgerî ya Kurdistanê (Kurdistan Justice Society), Partiya Parêzgeran a Kurdistanê and Kurdistan Democratic National Union in Hewlêr (Erbil) earlier today.
The delegation was welcomed by the party’s politburo members during his visit to Komela Dadgerî ya Kurdistanê. During the visit to Partiya Parêzgeran a Kurdistanê, it was welcomed by the party chairman, Acar Surçi.
The delegation then visited the Kurdistan Democratic National Union and was welcomed by the secretary of the union, Gafur Mexmuri, and politburo members.
During the talks, the common stance of the political parties and parties against Turkish invasion attacks and military deployment in the territory of South Kurdistan and the threat of the invaders of Kurdistan against the Kurdish people was discussed. The issues related to national unity were also discussed.
After the meeting, the Standard Organisation held a meeting with the KNK co-chair with the participation of some patriots and intellectuals in the city. Karamus spoke about the importance of the unity of the Kurdish people and the obstacles before Kurdish national unity.
The KNK delegation then visited the headquarters of Tevgera Azadi (Freedom Movement) in Sulaymaniyah.
The KNK delegation was welcomed by Tevgera Azadi Co-Chair Tara Hussein and members.
During the visit, the situation in Kurdistan, regional developments and the occupation attacks were discussed and the importance of national unity was highlighted.
According to reports, the KNK delegation will continue its talks in South Kurdistan.