TEV-DEM calls for revolutionary people’s war against occupation and isolation

Making a written statement on the 12th anniversary of the 19 July Revolution, the Democratic Society Movement (TEV-DEM) emphasised that many gains were achieved in the 19 July Revolution, which started in Kobanê in 2012 and raised the hopes of the peoples.

The statement noted that the revolution was a very important experience in which great changes took place at the social, cultural, political and self-defence levels and in which women and youth played a leading role.

The statement emphasised that the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES), which has become an active political and social power, is waging a great struggle to protect the gains of the revolution.

Drawing attention to the occupation attempts of the Turkish state, TEV-DEM said that the occupying Turkish state, which attacked the region and took advantage of the international conditions to frustrate the will of the revolution, pursued an unlawful policy to take revenge on the people of the region and to drive Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan apart from the people.

TEV-DEM pointed out that the main aim of the Turkish state, which is carrying out invasion attacks against the Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) and attempting to re-establish relations with Assad in Syria, is to legitimise its occupation, break the will of the people of the region and frustrate the 19 July Revolution.

Calling on the people of the region to celebrate the 19 July Revolution, TEV-DEM called for active participation in the freedom campaign against isolation and to organise and raise the struggle on the basis of revolutionary people’s war to protect the historical heritage and to prevent the occupiers and betrayers.