KNK Co-Chair holds talks in Hewlêr

The Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) Co-Chair Ahmet Karamus is having talks in Hewlêr (Erbil) city of southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). Karamus visited the Kurdistan Communist Party, Kurdistan Zehmetkêşan (Labourers) Party and Kurdistan Democratic People’s Movement, and brought up the invasion attacks of the Turkish state against the region.

Ahmet Karamus first visited the Kurdistan Zehmetkêşan Party, welcomed by the secretary of the party, Belen Abdullah, and party members. Karamus then visited the Communist Party of Kurdistan (called the ‘Kurdistan Shui Party’ in the region), where he met with Dr Kawe Mahmud, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Finally, Karamus visited the Kurdistan Democratic People’s Movement and was welcomed by the leaders and members of the movement.

During his visits to the three political parties, Karamus stated that all political parties should come together within the framework of a national project against the occupation of the Turkish state in the territory of Southern Kurdistan.

KNK Co-Chair Ahmet Karamus is expected to continue his talks in the coming days.