Kurdish voters support women’s participation in politics

The Center for Socio-Political Field Studies’ field research on voter behaviour conducted in Northern Kurdistan on September 4-9, 2021 reveals the level of voter support for the status of women in political life.

The question “Do you support the inclusion of women in politics and decision-making processes?” was put in a survey done in 16 cities, including Amed, Mardin, Urfa, Van, Batman, Siirt, Şırnak, Hakkari, Ağrı, Muş, Bingöl, Bitlis, Adıyaman, Kars, Dersim, and Iğdır.

The vast majority of responders, 88.1 per cent in total, stated that they support women’s participation. The percentage of those who said they did not support women’s participation in politics and decision-making processes remained at 6.2 per cent. In response to the question, 5.6 per cent said, “I am undecided.”

A total of 83.2% of male interviewees and 93.7% of female interviewees stated that they supported “Women’s Participation in Politics and Decision Making Processes”.


The comparison of the question “Do you advocate for women’s participation in politics and decision-making processes?” with “Which Party Did You Vote for In the General Elections on June 24, 2018?” came out as follows:

“72.2 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the AKP; 87 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the CHP; 96.6 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the HDP; and 77.8 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the Iyi Party.”

The survey participants were also asked “How do you view the co-presidency system established by HDP at the Local and General Levels?” As a result, 62.6 per cent of those polled said it was “positive,” while 20.4 per cent said it was “bad.” 17% of those polled stated that they were “undecided.”


While 60.6 per cent of male interviewees said the HDP’s co-presidency system was favourable at the local and general levels, and 23.7 per cent thought it was negative to varying degrees. While 64.8 per cent of female interviewers thought it was beneficial overall, 16.8 per cent said it was negative overall.

Those surveyed were also asked, “Which Party Did You Vote For In The General Elections On June 24, 2018?” alongside “How Do You Evaluate the Co-Presidency System Implemented by HDP at Local and General Levels?”. The following findings were obtained from the comparison:

“A total of 84.4 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the HDP were positive, while 6 per cent were negative; 55 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the CHP were positive, while 24.6 per cent were negative.”

Overall, 21.3 per cent of those who stated to have voted for the AKP were positive, while 43.2 per cent were negative; 11.1 per cent of those who said they voted for the Iyi Party were positive, while 55.6 per cent were negative.”