‘International forces should unite to resolve the Syrian crisis’

The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) has frequently urged the Syrian people to engage in talks in order to find a solution to the Syrian conflict.

Fatime El Hesîno told ANHA, “When discussing the Syrian problem, we say that this catastrophe is complicated, spread throughout the process, and has placed the country into a destructive situation. The Syrian crisis, already in its 11th year, has caused suffering and disasters for the people.”


Fatime El-Hesîno said, “We must not forget that the territories controlled by the Turkish state have become a haven for terrorist organizations. Idlib is heavily involved in the crisis. Terrorist organizations have congregated in this area. The region where agreements are in place, on the other hand, witnesses an elimination of accounts.

Fatime El-Hesîno remarked that the gangs used civilians living in Idlib as human shields and drew attention to current political developments in Syria.

Emphasizing the significance of a peaceful solution to the situation, she continued, “We should not stay apathetic during this arduous period. We should use a variety of approaches to resolve the situation. The talks between the MSD and the Autonomous Administration delegation seeking a solution to the situation and an agreement covering the entire decentralized Syrian people, are obvious evidence of the dialogues that have taken place.”


Fatime El-Hesîno remarked that the talks held in the name of the guarantor countries dashed the hopes of the Syrian people and that the gathering did not address the primary representatives.

El-Hesîno concluded her assessment by saying, “As MSD, we say that the Syrian problem cannot be resolved unless there is an inter-Syrian dialogue. All active powers should sit at the negotiating table under the guarantor of the party-, the opposite party and all international powers, and implement the Decision 2254.”