Activists in London protest French police attack on people protesting in Strasbourg

The Kurdish people and their friends in London protested both the French police’s brutal attack on the activists who set up a commune village demanding freedom for Leader Öcalan in Strasbourg, and the KDP’s attempt to enter Shengal.


In the march organized by the British Youth Movements TCŞ and TekoJIN and the Kurdish People’s Assembly, activists chanted slogans and marched to Haringey, where the Kurdish Community Center is located. Here, the statement on behalf of the components and organizers participating in the protest to the press and public was read by London Kurdish People’s Assembly co-chair Yalçın Tetwan.

“The brutal attack of the French state and police on our patriots is unacceptable. These attacks serve the murderous policies of denial of the fascist president Erdogan. Our resistance and struggle will continue until the physical freedom of Leader Öcalan is achieved.
