MMC Spokesperson: The aim of Turkey’s attacks against the region is to revive ISIS

Manbij Military Council (MMC) Spokesperson Şervan Derwîş spoke to ANHA about the Turkish state’s attacks on the Manbij region.

Derwîş called attention to the efforts made in the international arena to resolve the Syrian crisis, saying, “While these efforts are being undertaken, the circles that do not want a solution in Syria are attempting to invade Syria. The Turkish state is the first of these forces. The Turkish state’s goal is to resurrect ISIS.”

Şervan Derwîş continued, “The invading Turkish state targets not just military objectives but also civilian settlements. Civilian property is severely damaged. The public’s safety, both in terms of life and property, is directly targeted.”

The MMC Spokesperson drew attention to the al-Bab Military Council’s response to the Turkish state’s invasion attacks, saying, “We do not desire a war in our territory. We will continue to respond in accordance with legitimate defense in the event of an attack on our lands. We would pay a high price to safeguard the regions liberated from DAESH (ISIS) by our martyrs.”

Derwiş recalled Diri al-Firat gangs attempting to infiltrate the villages in Ain Issa, saying, “The gangs have been seeking to infiltrate the villages of Ain Issa, Til Temir, and Zirgan for a month. Our forces responded to the attacks and drove the gangs back,” he claimed.

Emphasizing that they will continue to frustrate the attacks on the region’s peace and security, the Spokesperson of Manbij Military Council added, “We will not allow anyone to enter these regions liberated by the blood of our martyrs. United, we must resist the attacks.”